18:04:20 From Brooke Schipporeit (she/her) | NLIHC to Everyone: welcome all! 18:05:49 From Karen Rhodes to Everyone: Something of importance for those who do not have family members and are 1-person households--most places, including LIHTC places that get built do NOT have 1-BR places, unless it is a senior place. 18:06:38 From Emma Foley (she/her), NLIHC to Everyone: Hello! My email is efoley@nlihc.org. If you or someone you know lives or lived at a LIHTC property where the affordability period expired, I would love to hear from you to learn more about your experiences. 18:07:21 From Brooke Schipporeit (she/her) | NLIHC to Everyone: Link to LIHTC resource: https://www.rhls.org/renting-a-lihtc-home-everything-you-need-to-know/ 18:08:55 From Kaye McAfee to Everyone: Hello-Kaye, Kentucky Em: kmcafee@kyhousing.org 18:09:39 From Karen Rhodes to Everyone: How do you find a place that is NOT LIHTC 18:10:29 From Karen Rhodes to Everyone: I have a lot of bad memories from my experiences with renting a LIHTC unit 18:11:03 From Monique Jones to Hosts and panelists: Can you please Share the link I live in California 18:11:12 From Geraldine Collins to Hosts and panelists: How about NY 18:11:17 From Shalonda Rivers to Everyone: Thats a way to confuses renters. 18:11:38 From Monique Jones to Hosts and panelists: I had bad memories also had to leave the unit for being harassed in 2020 18:12:23 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/her) to Everyone: Here you go Monique! https://www.rhls.org/renting-a-lihtc-home-everything-you-need-to-know/ 18:15:51 From Karen Rhodes to Everyone: most LIHTC places are 2BR and higher, (unless they are senior properties). But for those of us that are not senior citizens, if all the non-senior, LIHTC properties are 2 br and up, like where I am now living, we ELI, 1-person, non-senior people are screwed. 18:17:44 From Kim Dolan to Hosts and panelists: Here's the link to find the LIHTC allocating agency in your state: https://www.novoco.com/resource-centers/affordable-housing-tax-credits/application-allocation/state-lihtc-allocating-agencies 18:18:05 From Karen Rhodes to Everyone: …..LIHTC properties aging out and becoming unaffordable are a really big reason why you see a lot of older, homeless people who are not yet 62 and who are one-person households especially. 18:18:55 From Damon Blanchard to Everyone: No one can help with gouging rent prices though. 18:20:07 From Karen Rhodes to Everyone: depends on why the particular place is experiencing rent gouging. I am focusing on LIHTC housing here. In my case, other people around me were not experiencing the type of rent gouging I was. I finally had to seek out legal help on it. 18:22:27 From J. Matthew Brady to Hosts and panelists: The average market rate rent in Denver is now up to $2,000 a month for one bedroom. 18:24:55 From Karen Rhodes to Everyone: side note--when I was forced to move out of a LIHTC place that aged out, that move cost very close to $4,000. Most ELI people don't have a network of people to help with such a move. A lot of them end up becoming homeless. 18:26:57 From Geraldine Collins to Hosts and panelists: I’m in a building like this. Mixed 18:26:59 From Karen Rhodes to Everyone: The ONLY people at the property where I lived who were gouged were 1-person households--at a place with no 1-BR units. 18:27:49 From Michael Kane to Everyone: Are LIHTC units subject to local rent controls? 18:28:30 From Shalonda Rivers to Everyone: yes...that's where i live in FL...LITHC is apart of my in house voucher..multifamily 18:29:27 From CJ OHara to Everyone: sometimes even 60 percent of income if your income is lower in some affordable housing 18:29:52 From Shalonda Rivers to Everyone: there's lots of new rules under the newer fair housing about criminal backgrounds.. 18:30:26 From Shalonda Rivers to Everyone: Yes a major problem that would be as she just said. 18:30:46 From Karen Rhodes to Everyone: here where I am, (not speaking about senior housing), I am living in the only non-senior, affordable, non-LIHTC unit in my town--and I do not have a washer and dryer or laundry facilities. I wash my laundry in the bathtub in 2022. 18:31:09 From Rachel Johnson to Everyone: There should be policies that the Housing Authority got approved by HUD on the term limits to be housed when criminal backgrounds apply for misdemeanors and felonies 18:35:23 From Karen Rhodes to Everyone: There is a place that just got built a few years ago. I was #3 on the waitlist. That was 4 years ago. But since then, I am sure my name should have come up, but somehow my name got dropped from that wait list. Interesting. I made very sure to keep that same phone number so that they could contact me. I still have the same email address. But once again. No calls when I should have come up on that list. So I don't have much faith in things with LIHTC property managers being on the up and up. 18:35:44 From Marih AlyCLAIRE to Hosts and panelists: This is really a sparse system for very low/fixed-income renters, who will eventually be priced out of their LITC housing. Generally these tax-exempt buildings in Portland, only provide a sprinkle of low-income units. The adult student rule limitations don't allow people to gain increased education to raise their qualifications for a better paying job. This entire system is more geared toward the financial gain of investors Vs meeting the critical long-term need of hundreds of thousands of renters who are being systematically priced out of housing altogether. 18:36:17 From Shalonda Rivers to Everyone: wait list...always get a copy if the tsp...forbyour record which is very important. tsp is tenant selection plan. 18:36:58 From Ena Fenderson to Everyone: please send the slides and recordings 18:37:09 From Marih AlyCLAIRE to Hosts and panelists: What is the rule for rent increases? 18:37:23 From Brooke Schipporeit (she/her) | NLIHC to Everyone: yes, a link to this resource and the recording will be included in the recap! 18:37:59 From Ena Fenderson to Everyone: thanks great presentation 18:40:45 From Shalonda Rivers to Everyone: most people donot request a copy of the tenant selection plan (tsp)...this was very helpful in dealing with landlords who did discriminated against an applicant...becausebof criminal history...as the presenter said...the person contact legal aid and they was very successful in reversing a no to a yes...now this person has a roof over her and her child head. 18:40:58 From Leanna Noble to Everyone: This is very helpful overview. Long Beach Residents Empowered LiBRE is organizing tenant councils in "HUD" senior/disabled/multi-family buildings many of which utilize LIHTC as well as various vouchers with market rate rent units also increasingly present. Now to learn about CA rules/regs! Again, thanks. 18:41:36 From Shalonda Rivers to Everyone: yes great presentation and thanks. 18:42:26 From Nicolette A. to Everyone: Want to state this: in my property I was given an application for tenancy when I tried to move too a different location in the SAME PROPERTY as a reasonable accomm. 18:42:34 From Marih AlyCLAIRE to Hosts and panelists: What is the rule regarding when the LIHTC is about to expire? Here in Portland, a few residents got shock when their rent suddenly spiked by $ 400/m in LIHTC units. What is the notification rule? Tenants need time to prepare for a move. 18:43:04 From Rachel Johnson to Everyone: What if the Landlord will nOT accept the rent and then they file a court eviction for nonpayment? What would the Tenant do if Pro Se, no attorney representation? 18:44:50 From Damon Blanchard to Everyone: It's crazy that there are no federal laws in place to protect tenants from corporate greed. 18:45:08 From Soderstrom Lindalee to Everyone: if AMI rises with inflation don't disabled, elderly, vawa, veterans become massively cost burdened?? AND LEAVE 18:45:18 From Shalonda Rivers to Everyone: What woukd be your suggestion if legal aid donot or cannot take on cases because not enough lawyers...because this seems to be a major problem after COVID. 18:45:36 From Damon Blanchard to Everyone: even before COVID 18:45:40 From Soderstrom Lindalee to Hosts and panelists: if AMI rises with inflation don't disabled, elderly, vawa, veterans become massively cost burdened?? AND LEAVE 18:46:00 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: How do you find out where in the 30 year cycle the building is? 18:46:05 From Marih AlyCLAIRE to Hosts and panelists: What is the rent increase limit? How is it calculated? 18:46:13 From Shalonda Rivers to Everyone: Yes but it became worse after COVID. 18:46:47 From Thomas McKinney to Everyone: why are developers allowed to get grants to fix up lower income communities but we can't get back in or collect there debt in the process 18:47:19 From Damon Blanchard to Everyone: What if you pay 80% of fixed income to rent and can't move because rent is to high to move? 18:47:51 From Shalonda Rivers to Everyone: How safe is it living in a community with a LITHC program verses living in other low income programs? 18:48:26 From Damon Blanchard to Everyone: People still won't accept housing vouchers even if it says it's illegal not to. 18:48:56 From Marih AlyCLAIRE to Hosts and panelists: How can tenants see how these are calculated? 18:49:11 From Damon Blanchard to Everyone: They find a way to deny potential low income tenants. 18:49:12 From Soderstrom Lindalee to Everyone: this program sounds theoretical and as tho government does simply not talk to their residents about reality, actual cost burden 18:49:35 From Marih AlyCLAIRE to Hosts and panelists: How rent increases are calculate? 18:49:59 From Damon Blanchard to Everyone: it's HUD 18:50:26 From Soderstrom Lindalee to Everyone: HUD and LIHTC essentially are still earning their living making life hell and REMOVAL of 20% Ami, 10% ami 18:50:51 From Soderstrom Lindalee to Everyone: most fixed income Folx are screwed 18:51:17 From Marih AlyCLAIRE to Hosts and panelists: We never see what the building rent increases are across the obard. Let alone individual apartment unit increase prices. 18:51:37 From Thomas McKinney to Everyone: hud spent most money on counseling then building housing units or offering home ownership 18:53:11 From Soderstrom Lindalee to Everyone: but if your income is 10 grand in a city with AMI 50-120 GRAND, then family and oldsters cannot stay on ten grand. 18:53:59 From Shalonda Rivers to Everyone: Bad Management is what it is 18:54:18 From Sherri Pendlebury to Everyone: Are LIHTC properties allowed to have HUD "recognized tenant organizations w/resident participation funds" like they have in public housing. 18:54:38 From Shalonda Rivers to Everyone: This is why I recommend gettung cipy of TSP 18:54:39 From Soderstrom Lindalee to Everyone: when two bedrooms empty cuz a child turns 18 and leaves home that parents must move to one bedroom 18:54:58 From Charmell Shaw to Everyone: To many housing identities that are requested for Tenant organizers to contact for housing assistance and limited housing assistance response from the identities especially political representatives HPD HDC etc. It is frustrating 18:55:14 From Soderstrom Lindalee to Everyone: that's why one bedrooms are always taken up fast 18:55:32 From Thomas McKinney to Everyone: it sounds good until you apply and ask for Access 18:55:44 From Mary Brown to Hosts and panelists: Is there 18:56:07 From Marih AlyCLAIRE to Hosts and panelists: What about notification if a tenant moves in and the unit LIHTC is about to exppire? 18:56:27 From Soderstrom Lindalee to Everyone: has any one sued for violation of source of income yet? 18:56:49 From Shalonda Rivers to Everyone: They skip over applicants alot and Im so sorry that happened to you but continue to fight. 18:57:05 From Mary Brown to Hosts and panelists: Are there any restrictions when LIHTC units leave the Program? Is there any provision for financial assistance to ensure residents are not displaced?