18:08:48 From Kenza Idrissi, NLIHC to Everyone: 2025 Tenant Talk Live Community Agreements: https://nlihc-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/sbetancourt_nlihc_org/EdqokvnEGaROsmn1w2zEYPcBqp9kKe1eZek0-1TKM9KLvA?e=OiTXYo 18:09:05 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: Thanks to those of you who had to listen to me read! Jackie Leduc -NY:😁 18:09:05 From Kenza Idrissi, NLIHC to Everyone: You can sign up for NLIHC emails here: https://us4.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=e702259618becdc3f0451bd5d&id=e090383b5e 18:09:22 From Kenza Idrissi, NLIHC to Everyone: Recap materials from January’s Tenant Talk Live: https://nlihc.org/resource/now-available-resources-16-tenant-talk-live-community-agreements 18:10:44 From Kenza Idrissi, NLIHC to Everyone: In the breakouts, you have the option to share:Β Β  One month into 2025 – how are you doing?Β Β  Identify a trailblazer in Black History who has personal or cultural significance to you and share about them in your group. 18:19:29 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Everyone: Hi everyone! We are just getting started and in breakout rooms. 18:20:08 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Everyone: Welcome Dr. Bambie and Monica! 18:22:06 From Shalonda R to Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) (direct message): Geraldine keep getting kit out 18:22:40 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Shalonda R (direct message): im sorry! 18:23:43 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Shalonda R (direct message): It is a bit tricky, especially with the breakout rooms! let me know if it happens again 18:26:54 From karen rhodes to Everyone: Not directly related. Just got news on newsfeed about trump pausing tariffs on Canada and Mexico......So, I say that we the people can fight back on this front as well. Kimberly Rhoden, Rhonda Easley:πŸŽ‰ May Louis-Juste, NLIHC, Stan Lucas, CJ OHara:πŸ‘ Jennifer Mohawk, Dr. Bambie Hayes-Brown, Kristal Thompson, Sharon Underwood:πŸ‘πŸ½ 18:27:23 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Everyone: Replying to "Not directly related. Just got news on newsfeed a...": Thanks for sharing, Karen! 18:28:07 From karen rhodes to Everyone: Replying to "Not directly related. Just got news on newsfeed a...": yw 18:28:34 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Everyone: LIHEAP = Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program 18:30:40 From karen rhodes to Everyone: Replying to "Not directly related. Just got news on newsfeed a...": By the way, after having rotator cuff surgery in December, this is the first time I am able to type with both my hands..... So you can say, "I'm baaaaaack!" May Louis-Juste, NLIHC, Kristal Thompson:❀️ Janice Hardy:πŸ˜€ Jennifer Mohawk:😎 18:31:03 From Jackie Leduc -NY to Everyone: Replying to "Not directly related. Just got news on newsfeed a...": πŸ‘ 18:34:07 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: People who don't have a good situation with their family of origin will need to create families in their new digs - important to look closely before leaping!! May Louis-Juste, NLIHC, Kimberly Rhoden:πŸ‘ emily cindy wood, Kimberly Rhoden:πŸ‘πŸΌ 18:34:57 From 小陸's AI Notetaker (Otter.ai) to Everyone: You have reached the recording limit for your plan. To record longer meetings, explore other plans here: https://otter.ai/pricing?utm_source=oa-chat 18:35:46 From karen rhodes to Everyone: Why are places not keeping places up? I think some places deliberately let the places fall apart so that they can finally force EVERYONE to move out when the place becomes uninhabitable. Kimberly Rhoden, Chell Johnson:πŸ‘ Jennifer Mohawk, Sue Luke:πŸ‘πŸ½ 18:35:56 From Jennifer Mohawk to Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) (direct message): Sid, is that AI message legit? Haven't seen anything like that before 18:36:27 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Jennifer Mohawk (direct message): Yes! I usually dismiss them from the waiting room but I missed that one. I'll remove it now. Jennifer Mohawk:πŸ‘πŸ½ 18:37:11 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: Replying to "Why are places not keeping places up? I think som...": I know of a couple situations where the property owners spent considerably more fighting against making repairs than making the simple repairs would've cost - just insane! 18:38:25 From karen rhodes to Everyone: Replying to "Why are places not keeping places up? I think som...": JM--I think your observation substantiates and makes my case about people just wanting to get rid of low income people--NIMBYISM. Jennifer Mohawk:πŸ‘πŸ½ 18:39:10 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: Replying to "Why are places not keeping places up? I think som...": Karen, I believe you've nailed it. 18:41:03 From karen rhodes to Everyone: Replying to "Why are places not keeping places up? I think som...": JM--I have years and years of work and research about all this--in which the various powers-that-be, refuse to even listen to. I had to relocate from dc area after 32 years because of my unit aging out and rent going up by more than $500 a month, forcing me to relocate and keep my voucher--or end up losing my voucher if I stayed and found nothing. Jennifer Mohawk:😑 18:41:05 From Richard Pellegrino to Everyone: πŸ‘ 18:42:58 From karen rhodes to Everyone: Replying to "Why are places not keeping places up? I think som...": JM, I could write a book about all this, and tell all of what REALLY happens among all the smoke and mirrors in our legislatures, and all the way down to the local levels. 18:43:03 From Sue Luke to Everyone: She is great!! Stan Lucas, May Louis-Juste, NLIHC, Chandra Osterhaus:πŸ‘ Jennifer Mohawk:πŸ‘πŸ½ 18:43:21 From Sharon Underwood to Everyone: Really good information Jennifer Mohawk:πŸ‘πŸ½ 18:44:18 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: Monica's making some excellent points. I need to plug the following book, which feeds into all this: The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. Important info - very detailed research & completely accurate too Zoey Swisher, May Louis-Juste, NLIHC:πŸ‘ 18:44:21 From Chandra Osterhaus to Everyone: Yes! She's talking about things I have been saying forever but she is so much more organized than me! Love it! emily cindy wood, May Louis-Juste, NLIHC:❀️ Jennifer Mohawk:πŸ‘πŸ½ 18:45:27 From karen rhodes to Everyone: Monica, it is called "redlining." 18:46:02 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: used to be called "steering" - UGH, it was horrible 18:47:10 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Everyone: Replying to "used to be called "steering" - UGH, it was horribl...": terrible! Jennifer Mohawk:πŸ‘πŸ½ 18:47:55 From Ken McMillon to Everyone: Location, Location Location. 18:48:36 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: Replying to "used to be called "steering" - UGH, it was horribl...": If the idiots running things like that wanted to create some horrible all-white neighborhood they should've returned to Europe. That stuff does not belong in these lands - it's not who we are 18:49:12 From karen rhodes to Everyone: In my experiences, interviews with representatives, research, etc., and looking at what happens in areas where residents form something such as a renters association--I am afraid of retaliation in many forms from the landlord. About the time I would organize something like that, management would come back and refuse to keep the place up, jack up my rent, force me out somehow. 18:50:53 From Janice Hardy to Everyone: Replying to "Not directly related. Just got news on newsfeed a...": @karen rhodes I’ve had that injury, blessings 18:52:26 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Everyone: If there are any questions, please feel free to drop them in the chat. We'll likely have time to take 1-2 questions. 18:55:19 From Jackie Leduc -NY to Everyone: I am so sorry, I need to leave. Thanks Monica, you are amazing, we need awareness and inspiration for people like to protect other black and brown woman and allow people to have adequate housing to realize their dreams May Louis-Juste, NLIHC:❀️ 18:55:39 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Everyone: Replying to "I am so sorry, I need to leave. Thanks Monica, you...": Thanks for joining us, Jackie! 18:55:53 From Chandra Osterhaus to Everyone: ? When you first started interacting with local government did you attend in person or virtually or write in and did you feel like you received positive responses and feedback or did it take awhile? Where did that involvement really begin .. specific committees... or. . Somewhere else? I find it overwhelming sometimes trying to keep track of all of it. 18:56:04 From Jackie Leduc -NY to Everyone: Replying to "I am so sorry, I need to leave. Thanks Monica, you...": This is an incroyable espace, see you on the next meeting, great to meet you guys Jennifer Mohawk:πŸ‘πŸ½ 18:56:14 From emily cindy wood to Everyone: What about when you have an intimacy stalker in the same apartment buildlng you live in? Are the office managers for the building legally liable for letting the person continue to try yo manipulate you and ry to color their view of you you 18:56:21 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: any updates on collateral consequences/limiting the lookback periods for landlords? 18:56:34 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: Monica - RIGHT ON!!! Sue Luke:❀️ Sue Luke:πŸ‘ 18:56:53 From Janice Hardy to Everyone: Replying to "Why are places not keeping places up? I think som...": Wonderful, thank you, Monica 18:57:03 From Marie Marmash to Everyone: Great presentation Monica. Thank you Jennifer Mohawk:πŸ‘πŸ½ 18:57:24 From Susan Adams to Everyone: You are AMAZING, Monica! Thanks for your courage and commitment Jennifer Mohawk:πŸ‘πŸ½ 18:57:39 From karen rhodes to Everyone: Time for you to write a book about all this Monica! Kristal Thompson:πŸ‘ Jennifer Mohawk:πŸ‘πŸ½ 18:57:46 From Kristal Thompson to Everyone: Awesome presentation, thank you for sharing πŸ‘ Jennifer Mohawk, CJ OHara:πŸ‘πŸ½ 18:57:56 From Kimberly Rhoden to Everyone: Replying to "I am so sorry, I need to leave. Thanks Monica, you...": Great job, Monica. You are a wealth of knowledge and lived experiences. Keep going. Jennifer Mohawk, Kristal Thompson:πŸ‘πŸ½ 18:58:09 From Zoey Swisher to Everyone: Thank you for sharing your story, Monica! 18:58:19 From Sue Luke to Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) (direct message): I am proud to have seen Monica speak! ❀️ 18:58:30 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Sue Luke (direct message): I'm glad it was helpful, Monica! 18:58:57 From Monica DeLancy to Everyone: monicadelancy@hotmail.com 18:59:02 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: πŸ’– 18:59:33 From Kenza Idrissi, NLIHC to Everyone: E-mail Sid at sbetancourt@nlihc.org 18:59:34 From Chandra Osterhaus to Everyone: That was great!!! Thank you 18:59:40 From Kenza Idrissi, NLIHC to Everyone: Register for the next Tenant Talk Live: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrcOmqqD0oH9aHFO8inZoX4ZuDrAEiFO_m#/registration 18:59:44 From Terri Kossman to Everyone: Great job Monica! 18:59:46 From Kenza Idrissi, NLIHC to Everyone: E-mail NLIHC at outreach@nlihc.org if you’re interested in participating in our blog. 18:59:57 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: Great presentation - thanks to all of you! 19:00:01 From Kenza Idrissi, NLIHC to Everyone: Join the Tenant Talk FB page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TenantTalk 19:00:02 From Marsh Santoro to Everyone: Thank uou. Very good energy. 19:00:14 From Stan Lucas to Everyone: Thank you!