[Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:50:51 Hey, Brooke. [Brooke Schipporeit] 17:50:54 Hey? Sorry about that. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:50:56 No worries. I'm sorry. I didn't send it early like doing everything I was doing like my my checklist earlier. [Brooke Schipporeit] 17:50:59 No, I'm just [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:51:06 No. [Brooke Schipporeit] 17:51:06 No, not at all. I just you know I'm just along for the ride. [Brooke Schipporeit] 17:51:11 So all good, hey? No, all. [Noelle Porter] 17:51:15 Hello! Again. [Brooke Schipporeit] 17:51:17 How? How's it going [Noelle Porter] 17:51:21 You know. Fine! Does that mean like still being at their desk at 5 50 on a Monday night? [Noelle Porter] 17:51:27 No. [Noelle Porter] 17:51:32 Do you guys, I was thinking about you guys today. And I was like, I hope Sarah gives them like 2 h somewhere in the week on tennis, not live nights [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:51:33 I feel that [Brooke Schipporeit] 17:51:42 We try. I feel like, since the one who it really impacts the most. So [Noelle Porter] 17:51:47 Yeah. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:51:49 I try to be like, really box about like when I take it. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:51:56 Usually, I think today was like a different circumstance, though, because I had to go get blood work done. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:52:01 So I was like, Okay, if it goes over, I won't have to worry about it. [Brooke Schipporeit] 17:52:05 Right. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:52:06 How are you? Do you pronounce it, Laura? Or louder? Or how do you pronounce [Laura Williamson] 17:52:12 Laura. Yeah. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:52:13 Laura. Okay, we have a tenant leader who's pronounces it louder, and I that way. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:52:19 I'll sit. Wait. [Laura Williamson] 17:52:20 I like louder, too, but I'm not Latina, so that feels a little [Noelle Porter] 17:52:22 Yeah. Pretty strong. Gringo here. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:52:23 Yeah. [Laura Williamson] 17:52:27 Hey! [Noelle Porter] 17:52:29 All of my conversations eventually come back to the real housewives. [Noelle Porter] 17:52:34 But the real housewives in Miami is just like in a category of its own. [Noelle Porter] 17:52:39 It's like another level of amazingness. It's incredible television. [Noelle Porter] 17:52:42 And the other night they showed all of them in interviews, telling you where the word Ringo came from, and not a single one of them got it right. [Noelle Porter] 17:52:50 But it's all these like, you know, women being like we call them Gregos. [Noelle Porter] 17:52:52 For this reason we call them greeners. For this reason no one got it right, and they just stacked the interviews of the so funny. [Noelle Porter] 17:52:59 But then I did learn. It comes from the Spanish word for Greek, because, like it's all Greek to me. [Noelle Porter] 17:53:05 And so when you hear people speak, yeah, how about that was interesting. [Laura Williamson] 17:53:06 Here you go right [Brooke Schipporeit] 17:53:09 I did not know that [Noelle Porter] 17:53:10 One of them was about these like they were saying that there would be armies coming in, and you'd be like no green. [Noelle Porter] 17:53:18 Go, and I was like, I don't think that's it so funny [Brooke Schipporeit] 17:53:25 You know, reality. Television is very educational in many ways. [Noelle Porter] 17:53:30 Hmm, hmm. [Brooke Schipporeit] 17:53:40 That? Are we just waiting for the Hawaii folks? Is that right? [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:53:46 Yeah. I'm sending them [Brooke Schipporeit] 17:53:48 Okay, let me know if you want me to handle any of that peace [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:53:50 Hmm. [Noelle Porter] 17:53:53 I have to tell you guys, I was supposed to run a resume workshop for folks at Central Union Mission tonight, starting at 6 30. [Noelle Porter] 17:54:00 So I thought I was gonna have to give this from the Central Union Mission Parking Lot. [Noelle Porter] 17:54:04 But I got let off the hook for that, and so I'm very actually thankful to be sitting next to my space here right now. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:54:13 Yeah, but the goal is to hopefully be I'll be all finished like around 6 22. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:54:23 We'll see. I practice like my updates. [Noelle Porter] 17:54:23 I would be surprised if we could talk for that long. If they have really good questions. We'll stay on as long as we need to, but I'm pretty sure Laura and I can be like [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:54:32 Yeah, I practice, like my updates, too, because I have like a few. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:54:36 And I was like to get it under 5 min, because I always say that I'm gonna take 5, and then I'll look at the clock, and it'll be like 6 15. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:54:44 And I'm like, No. [Noelle Porter] 17:54:44 Well, now you have less pressure on my calendar. [Laura Williamson] 17:54:48 Yeah, I was, gonna say, we we plan to keep it relatively brief. [Laura Williamson] 17:54:53 So that we can like, have time for questions and conversations in their insights. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:54:55 Yeah. [Laura Williamson] 17:54:57 So I think we should have plenty of time [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:54:59 So. [Noelle Porter] 17:54:59 I have a feeling to sort of the way I'm presenting. [Noelle Porter] 17:55:03 This is like the voting eo in the context of tenant organizing, but I have a feeling. [Noelle Porter] 17:55:08 This will probably spark some tenant organizing conversations that may be good, fit for other, and we would need better experts than me to come. [Noelle Porter] 17:55:19 Do those, but I think that there's probably a lot of rich conversation. [Noelle Porter] 17:55:23 So I have a feeling. A lot of questions are gonna come up tonight about accessing tenant organizing dollars. [Noelle Porter] 17:55:28 And Resident Council specifics that will push off because I'm just not the right person to answer those questions in depth. [Noelle Porter] 17:55:35 But I'm gonna post like a couple like just the public housing resident toolkit from on here. [Noelle Porter] 17:55:41 And I think that probably like, if you guys want to have that conversation and probably could do it too. [Noelle Porter] 17:55:47 But Bridget Simmons from our team, could talk a lot about like what it looks like, and Michael Kane or any of the net folks that sit on your old board could do really good ones, too. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:55:50 Yeah. [Noelle Porter] 17:55:54 I know that that's when rotating but, like Ms. [Noelle Porter] 17:55:57 Rivers could do a great one, so like, I think that probably will find that there are a number of good questions in the space of tenant organizing, that we won't answer. [Noelle Porter] 17:56:07 But that might drive further conversation. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:56:09 Okay, yeah, that'll be helpful. I'm gonna try to take notes, too. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:56:16 But Bro. Can I ask you to like list some of those if you, if you hear folks ask about them? [Brooke Schipporeit] 17:56:22 Yeah, for sure. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:56:23 Okay, I'll try to do it, too, and then we can compare after [Noelle Porter] 17:56:28 This is, it might be helpful, too. I'm terrible once I'm talking at doing stuff like this. [Noelle Porter] 17:56:34 So that's HUD's toolkit on resonant organizing. [Noelle Porter] 17:56:39 And and this specifically, I'm gonna reference [Noelle Porter] 17:56:43 Within, that. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:56:46 Thank you. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:56:50 You got it perfect. Do you want me to open in there [Brooke Schipporeit] 17:56:55 Yep, I got it. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:56:56 Okay. Cool. Thank you. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:57:03 I have one more [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:57:08 One more analogy stuff joining us today, Lindsay. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:57:14 And then I think hopefully, folks show up the Hawaii folks show, because I know it's like a 6 h difference [Noelle Porter] 17:57:23 You're like the people that should. I have the most time right now? [Noelle Porter] 17:57:28 They're all like, oh, it's lunch time! [Noelle Porter] 17:57:30 Let's have your talk. Live. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:57:31 Oh, I was gonna say, too, but if it ends up being the case, that they don't show up fingers crossed, that doesn't happen, but if it does, I'll just wing it. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:57:43 And people are always eager to talk so. I feel like we could easily switch it to a listening session if we needed to. [Noelle Porter] 17:57:45 That is true. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:57:49 But fingers crossed. That won't be the case. [Noelle Porter] 17:57:51 I'm gonna run right out of here before that happens. [Noelle Porter] 17:57:54 So that [Brooke Schipporeit] 17:57:58 Hmm. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:58:00 No, I understand. [Noelle Porter] 17:58:02 La Laura can just sit there. She just do an ama on voting rights. She's not a housing expert. But if people just want to know about democracy block of Billy Hour [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:58:14 We did one on voting rates. I think in August, so like, advertise or not advertise. [Noelle Porter] 17:58:16 She's like [Noelle Porter] 17:58:21 Encourage. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:58:23 But we recently released like a tenant, talk publication on like voter engagement and stuff. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:58:31 So we had our own Courtney Kooperman talk to us about that stuff, and I think few other folks work with tenants to talk about it. [Lindsay Duvall (she/her), NLIHC] 17:58:42 Hey, everyone. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:58:44 Thanks for joining us, and thank you for your help. [Noelle Porter] 17:58:48 I don't know why my name didn't get updated [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:58:52 Okay. Oh, well, fingers cross [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:59:00 Let me see if I have. I think I have Kenneth's phone number. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:59:06 Brook and Lindsay, I think. But if first comes to worst, can one of you all, like all 10, and be like Hello. [Lindsay Duvall (she/her), NLIHC] 17:59:16 Yeah, I'm looking it up right now, too. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:59:19 Thanks. [Brooke Schipporeit (she/her), NLIHC] 17:59:23 I'm fuzzy [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:59:24 But I think [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:59:27 It should be good [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:59:30 I'll I'll take my time. And then, hopefully, I want to solve for that long. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:59:36 But I'll take my time. In the meantime, if you all want to go ahead and turn off your cameras and your audio, or meet yourselves for now, and when I introduce, feel free to turn it back on [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 17:59:49 I'll start it in just a second [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:00:22 Hi! Everybody! [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:00:28 Hi! Everyone! Welcome to tennis talk, live, feel free to drop your name in the chat, and where you're joining us from happy February. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:00:38 Happy. Monday. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:00:44 I everyone feel free to drop your name. And where are you joining us from? [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:00:50 In the chat. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:00:54 And we'll get started. Oh, it says the chat is deceived. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:01:11 Okay, see that. Let me turn in on so that everybody can [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:01:17 Share. Okay, it should be open now, hopefully, but feel free to drop where you're joining us from in the chat [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:01:26 Awesome. Thank you for mentioning [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:01:32 I'm happy. Black history month. Yes. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:01:38 Hey? So we have L. Humphrey from Queens, New York. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:01:42 We have Jan joining us Aj. From Wisconsin. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:01:47 We have a lot of people coming in today. Okay. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:01:51 I just lost track of where I was. Okay. So we have Doreen from queens as well. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:01:58 Caitlin from California, Lauda from New Jersey. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:02:02 Yeah. Rosine, from Denver. You have Chris from California, Julie from Wisconsin. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:02:08 Cool, feel free to keep dropping your names, and where you're joining us from in the chat. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:02:13 But we do have a few things to get through today. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:02:18 So I'll just go ahead and get us started. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:02:23 Yeah. Give me just one quick. Second. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:02:48 Go ahead and get us started, but again feel free to keep dropping your name and re joining us from in the chat. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:02:54 But thank you for joining tennis talk, live today. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:02:57 Everyone. My name is Tibetan Court, and I see they pronounce, and I'm a housing advocacy organizer with coalition. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:03:04 And you're currently joining tenant talk, live, or are we provide opportunities for residents to connect with one another, but also to learn more about Federal housing, advocacy and how to influence it and make a difference in their communities. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:03:19 And today we'll have a full agenda. So we'll begin with updates from myself, and then we'll hear from some folks on updates to the 2023 budget relating to Tennant organizing. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:03:32 So we'll have no. Well, Porter, who was previously here and tennis talk, live a few months ago, and also have laurel once and give some updates around that, and then we'll finish the webinar with our guests, or ray is from Hawaii and [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:03:48 Kenna I'm sorry if I get this strongest, or Gibson from the how I apple seed. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:03:55 She's the housing also director there, and you know, get to learn more about their recent trip to Finland, where they got to learn a little bit more about how housing first as an international model of housing. So I'll go ahead and give just a few brief updates. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:04:10 So again, this is just a reminder. That if you're signed up for analytics emails that you should be receiving an email this Friday of the connection where you have all the recap materials, including the recording the notes, the chat, all the links that are shared so please feel free to [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:04:27 Let us know in the chat. If you don't get those emails so that I can update that for you later. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:04:34 And then again, if you want to share any feedback from me, please feel free to email me. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:04:40 Your thoughts, and I'm gonna go ahead and just share my screen with some of the community agreements that we came up with during last month's tenant talk. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:04:51 Live and I'm gonna keep them on the screen for you all to give any feedback that you might want. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:04:56 But in the meantime I'm just gonna go over the rest of the updates. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:05:00 But please feel free to email me or drop anything, any thoughts in the chat, so that we can go ahead and implement that into these community events, moving forward [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:05:11 So the first big update is that how to announce plans to publish a proposed affirmatively furthering fair housing rule also known as Afgh. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:05:22 The word that they use was imminently but it'll they'll happen soon. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:05:27 So the proposed rule would help communities meet more than 5 decade old requirement to actively address systemic races and segregation, which have all often resulted from specific Federal housing policies and the proposed rule would seek to improve the twenty-fifty role that was administered or put into [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:05:47 Effect during the Obama Administration and then we'll system it during the trump administration in 2,018. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:05:53 So once the proposed rule is published in the Federal registrar advocates will have 60 days to offer comments, and I know that might seem like a lot. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:06:02 But I promise you will have like a lot of resources to help. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:06:05 So the first thing being Nyc. Will have sample letters that you can use, that you can consider using. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:06:12 And we also have a brief summary of the role. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:06:15 If you want to look through that, now that we'll share in the chat, and then HUD will be doing 3 virtual briefings on Afgh, which will summarize the main components of the rule, but it will also take the information for each briefing to a specific population and they there will be one [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:06:34 on residents and community members. So if you wish to attend that briefing, it will be this Friday at 10 Pm. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:06:39 Or side. This Friday, the tenth, at 3 30 Pm. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:06:45 Eastern time, and you can sign up for that webinar at the link in the chat. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:06:50 And then policy link, which is a different organization, will be hosting a webinar on Afghanistan. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:06:57 If you want to learn more about it this Wednesday February eighth, at 11 am. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:07:01 To provide primer on a what it is. And what's up that link in the chat as well, and then moving on from Asfh. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:07:11 The next update is coming from the White House. So on January the 20 fifth, which I think was about almost 2 weeks ago. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:07:17 Now the White House announced new actions, super tech runners, and promote rental affordability as well as a blueprint for Renters Bill of Rights and National Control rights. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:07:28 So we're gonna drop a few links in the chat just like Anhc's. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:07:33 Number article on the White House Announcement and the blueprint will also show the blueprint in the links, and then there'll be a fact. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:07:42 She from the White House chat as well, and it's super super exciting stuff. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:07:49 There was a lot in there regarding things that we've talked about on 10 and talk live before. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:07:56 So really excited for that, and while it's a good step in the right direction, we still have a lot of work to do, so analytics and our partners and as well as all the folks on this call, we look forward to continuing to work with you all to make sure that the actions being taken by [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:08:10 the Administration will help runners like you stay stably housed, and then the last update that I have before I turn it over to our first guest is we'll be releasing the digital version of our next 10. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:08:22 A talk titled, Advancing Tenant Protections, building tenant power to achieve renter equity. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:08:29 This Thursday, February ninth. So if you want a paper copy of this issue, please sign up at the link that will be dropping in the chat as well. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:08:38 No later than this this Thursday. So please make sure to share that far. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:08:44 And so if you want a paper copy, you're able to get it before the deadline of this Thursday. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:08:47 By the end of the business day, and that's specific time, too, so feel free to fill it up up until, like midnight on Thursday. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:08:56 But thank you so much for giving me this time to go over these updates. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:09:03 And again feel free to send me any feedback that you have on the community agreements on the screen and I'll stop sharing it, for right now and I'll go ahead and turn it over to our first guest. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:09:16 We have Laura and Noel to provide out of their updates on tenant organizations. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:09:20 Thanks. So much. Sid. Okay, good. I can at least see Laura. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:09:25 I was sort of prepared to have this conversation like getting some feedback from the audience so I'm gonna pretend you're all like nodding along a few different times and I'm an account on our partners and analytics to post questions or to share questions and feedback as you guys are giving [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:09:40 Them so Laura and I are here to talk about something that's a little bit niche, and but very, very exciting, and especially for this community. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:09:49 So I was gonna say, how many of you all are familiar with or participate in a resident council for your property or owners, etc. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:10:02 And I'm not getting any feedback so I'm going to hope that at least a few of you are familiar. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:10:07 But in public housing and project-based rental assistance, HUD provides what we call an explicit right? [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:10:17 Thanks, Shauna. I knew Shalonda would know. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:10:20 It provides a an explicit right to organize to each of its renters, and so in public housing and in Pvra or Pop project, based rental assistance, they've specifically laid out within the law this right to organize the tenants have and what they've done is [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:10:38 Assigned funding to those resident councils through the Ph. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:10:43 A through your local paj, and one of the problems that we have just in general, with tenant organizing is that a lot of these dollars go untouched. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:10:52 So the the Pha. Has those dollars reserved for a resident council, but if you haven't worked within your community, or if someone hasn't worked within your community to begin to establish their own resident council, then the Pj. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:11:03 Is just sitting on those unusual dollars, so folks can start a resident council within their own community. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:11:10 That would be a whole nother topic for us to unpack, and we could definitely talk about that in a different forum. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:11:18 But there are 2 ways that those dollars can be targeted to your community. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:11:23 So one, if there is a recognized resident council that's in contact contract with the local Pha, then the Pha gives that resonant council the dollars that they can spend annually to do the work of the Resident Council if a resident council has not been your stood up. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:11:41 In your community, the the community still entitled to the resident portion of resident organizing dollars that exist at the Pha. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:11:52 So one of the things we wanna do here is, get folks interested in this idea of resonant council participation of the way you can access those dollars in your community to stand up or reg a resident council that can work on issues anywhere from kitchen to noise complaints to management complaints to you [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:12:14 Know confusion in your rental applications. It can be across the board. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:12:19 Reasons why you might organize within your community to build power and to be able to have access to negotiations. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:12:25 Management, Conversations, etc. There's a lot of good stuff we can talk about within that, and we should. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:12:32 But what Laura and I are here to talk about specifically is that in 2,020 the President issued an executive. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:12:40 No, I guess it would have been 21. That's when he started right. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:12:43 The President issued an executive order that told all of the different Federal agencies to find ways to thanks, expand on opportunities to register individuals, to vote across the community, and to get the whole of the Federal Government more involved in the process of registering voters and so Laura who works for a [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:13:04 Democracy organization partnered with a number of organizations like Nhc. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:13:08 And Nhlp. To to talk about how we might concentrate some dollars at HUD around engaging tenants and making sure tenants are registered to vote in their community, and what we've done is we've actually worked some language. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:13:25 Into last year's spending bill to make this an allowable use of dollars for resident councils and tenant organizers. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:13:36 And so Laura's gonna talk a little bit about the different ways that voter registration could be advanced in some of the ways we think that might be specific to Phas or to hug properties or to head back to tenants. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:13:49 But but the key part of the conversation that we can't fully have here today but that we should be having is, if you're not currently engaged in a resonant council. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:13:58 If you're not familiar at all with your rights or your options as a resident council, or to start a resident council, or to participate in the resident calendar, we want to keep having those conversations in the context of today, we're here to talk about how resident Councils now can [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:14:11 Be used to expand voting access for your communities, but really want to to separate that out and acknowledging that I know we're leaving a lot of sort of big questions unanswered here to talk about a smaller topic. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:14:27 But we can have those conversations about the big topics. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:14:30 I'll pause for a second. Pass it to Laura, unless Laura did. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:14:33 I miss something you need me to fill in [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:14:35 No, I think that's great thanks for taking that up. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:14:38 No, I just apply for everybody at L. N. L. I, Hc. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:14:42 And anybody else. There's some questions in there about how to get started with the resident cancel. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:14:47 So it's. It's a great sort of opportunity to sort of do some learning around that, too. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:14:53 It sounds like at another time. But yeah, I think the the piece that I wanted to talk about is the opportunity to sort of new opportunity created with this new language in the in the Federal budget. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:15:06 For head, to do voter registration as part of your organizing in your community through your resident council, or sort of the other tenant organizing that you're involved in and the reason I want to focus on voter registration is because it is one of the biggest barriers to [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:15:24 Actually voting year after year, and it's a particularly high barrier for people with low incomes. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:15:32 So we know that there are sort of significant gaps in registration rates. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:15:38 So in sort of the number of people who are registered based on your income. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:15:42 So just in the 2,020 Presidential election, people who are making $30,000 a year or less 62% of those people nationally registered to vote compared to people making a $100,000 or more who were registered 82% of those people were [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:15:58 Registered so like a tremendous gap, 20 percentage point gaps, and how many people from each of those sort of in communities are registered, and that matters because in almost every single State I think there's one exception, you have to be registered before you can vote and so especially for [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:16:15 You know, geographically mobile voters who have to re-register or update their registration sort of regularly between between elections. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:16:23 This can be a really big barrier and it means, you know, you just you don't, can't vote. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:16:28 And so the the added language about civic engagement activities in in this sort of piece of the budget now means that y'all can help with that problem by actually helping to register your community members. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:16:45 And one of the best ways to do that, and I suspect I mean I saw in the chat earlier several of you all are already involved in some of this organizing. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:16:53 And so it'd be really interesting to know that you know. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:16:55 I don't know what the I know with the conversation, mechanisms or possibilities are for this, or coming off mute. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:17:01 But anyway, at some point really interesting, maybe said to sort of facilitate a conversation for folks who are already involved in voter registration or civic meeting, organizing to share experiences and stories but for the purposes of today, you know, I can see a little bit more about what the registration, drives look [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:17:16 Like and sort of why, they're really a powerful form of civic engagement and a billing community power. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:17:23 And so you know it. So I think probably the most important thing to know is that this is kind of like setting up an a community space. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:17:33 It might be a fair community fair. It might be sort of in the entry way to your building, depending on sort of where you live. You might be sort of in a court. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:17:41 Yard. It could be out in the park where, like a lot of your neighbors go, and actually inviting people to to get registered or to update their registration. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:17:52 And you know you'll have forms from your state or local election official, and you'll offer them the opportunity to register to vote. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:18:00 And I'm sure many of you have, you know, interacted with registration guides that other people are doing over time. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:18:04 But one of the things that's most powerful about them is they actually can be kind of like a an entry point or a gateway into sort of broader organizing. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:18:13 So you know you can have a conversation with your neighbors about voting and registration which can get them. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:18:18 Perhaps excited about the broader organizing your work you're doing so if you're running a campaign, you know, against a whatever you know. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:18:25 Whoever your sort of landlord is is causing some kind of problem, and you're sort of organizing your your your neighbors and your peers around you to try to make that change right you can kind of like get them engaged in that campaign by starting the conversation about registration so it kind of is [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:18:41 a cool organizing tool, and you know, also kind of get this at the point of the problem that I sort of articulated earlier about just people being people with low income being registered at much lower rates. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:18:52 And then in turn right to register. Then you can actually vote, and you can help have a say, and he's elected to represent you and and influence the policies that they're that they're supporting or blocking, as the case may be, if they're housing policies that they want [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:19:04 to be sort of opposing. So anyway, there's a lot of opportunity in vote registration guides. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:19:11 There are trainings for how to actually do them well, and one of the other really valuable things about right resident councils, or otherwise to know organizing, offering, MoD registration is that in other places sometimes people will, if they're lucky enough to get the offer go to [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:19:28 registration, they'll just be handed a form, and they'll be like, you know. Here, fill this out. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:19:30 They'll get registered. But if you're actually doing voter registration in your community, you can actually sit with people and help them fill it out and answer some questions they might have about this question means or what that question means, and in some cases to sort of subject to your state laws, and i'll say something else about that in [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:19:46 A second. You can also potentially collect them once they've filled it out and signed it, you can select it, and you can transmit it to be stable or local election official to make sure that they actually get processed and added to the voter registration role, so there's a there's a lot of work that [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:20:00 you can do in your organizing capacity again to help sort of see through the process rather than just handing somebody a form and saying and hoping that they they have the time in the space to fill it out. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:20:12 So just important notes, sorry, said I'm wrapping up 2 really important notes. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:20:18 Number one, all of this has to be nonpartisan, which is to say, you know, it can't be in support of a specific political party or a specific candidate, because these are Federal dollars you know, it has to be nonpartisan that's one important thing to know and the other is just that [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:20:35 Various States have different rules and regulations around voter registration. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:20:39 And so it will also be important to consult your State laws, and I I suspect that some of the folks, some of the other folks on the screen, can can be a resource for this, too. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:20:49 Just to understand kind of what the requirements are for a third party like you or your, you know, members of your resident council actually conducting vote registration to sort of know what those reactions are. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:20:59 So I will drop my email in the chat and can be a resource. [Laura Williamson (she/her), Demos] 18:21:03 But I think again, all the folks from Niagara Falls from Lhp. Can can also be good resources on this [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:21:12 The last thing I'll add is that if the resident count so I've seen a lot of comments about the inner workings of resident councils, and we would love to keep having these conversations here in tenant top live offline, etc. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:21:28 But one of the things about the way that resident Council dollars should work is that the Resident Council gets to decide how those dollars are spent, and the Pj. Has to be. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:21:36 This sort of like overseer, or the treasurer of the account. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:21:40 And so one of the things that folks can do is even direct. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:21:42 The Pajs to spend some of those dollars in specific ways. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:21:46 So you could say, we want to fund a voter registration form in every new Lisa packet, and that might not be a drive. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:21:51 It might not be some of this to organizing work that Laura is suggesting, but you might just be saying every time someone becomes a resident of our community they get a new voter registration form. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:22:00 So there are all these different levels of how you might get engaged in that work. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:22:04 How much of a lift it might be, but a lot of different ways to open up the possibilities with the spending. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:22:10 So sin, we will respect the time and hopefully be back for more [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:22:15 Thank you. There's a few questions in the Q. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:22:19 A box. But just for the folks that will be watching this later. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:22:23 Can you tell us a little bit more about how to find out if there is a resident council in their building or not? [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:22:30 And if the funds are available to light tech property tenants, and if you don't know those answers to no, no, no worries at all. To make sure, I got this [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:22:39 Yeah, I I those are kind of like one offs and some some folks have made some very there. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:22:45 There are a lot of considerations when you're talking about like the inner workings of starting President councils of knowing where they exist. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:22:52 Retaliations a very real problem and a very real concern. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:22:55 And so, if anyone is getting to the verge of this conversation, and they want to feel like they're getting all the information they need about how possible this is how to do it right, how to do it legally, we want to keep having those conversations with people and that goes to whether or not you can [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:23:09 identify whether or not there's a resident calend in your building. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:23:12 One thing I would recommend is checking Nat. The National Association of HUD Tenants. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:23:16 Website to see if there's a res registered resident council in your community. [Noelle Porter (she/her), NHLP] 18:23:22 But that won't be expansive, and so we'll have to find out some more answers for you said about how we might be able to like, identify that in some communities [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:23:30 Okay. Sounds great. If you can stick around in the chat in the Q&A future first few minutes, just to see if you can answer any of those that would be great. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:23:39 But thank you both for for joining us and we'll continue to have these conversations like you said so. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:23:45 Thank you so much, and now I'm really, really pleased to welcome our 2 panelists, for today we have is joining us, who is a tenant out of the kit from Hawaii, and we also have Canada storm Mode Justin from Hawaii [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:24:03 Apple see? Who's the housing policy director. There and I'm gonna go ahead and give them before now, so they can share a little bit more about their experience, learning about housing first in Finland. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:24:13 And I'm apologies if I miss, pronounced today. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:24:16 But thank you both for being here [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:24:20 Sure, and maybe I'll just do a quick share screen if that's all right. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:24:25 That's perfect. Yeah. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:24:26 Okay. And then I will just say that [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:24:36 Or or can I right it? Book or or read it? First? [Aura Reyes] 18:24:43 Hey! [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:24:43 Called the home of your own, talking about ending homelessness in Finland, and [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:24:55 I remember some of the book, and then, or Reddit, and and I guess I'll turn it over to already. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:25:03 Save more what happened after she read the book [Aura Reyes] 18:25:05 Oh, well, I read the book, and I couldn't believe what I was reading, how they managed to create these spaces and places, and how they were able to reduce their homelessness to like almost nothing. [Aura Reyes] 18:25:21 So I got really excited about that, and I wanted to know. [Aura Reyes] 18:25:26 I wanted to know more about how they transitioned. Well over to this new housing plan, this new concept. [Aura Reyes] 18:25:36 And that's where our discussions on Finland. [Aura Reyes] 18:25:40 Going to Finland actually started [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:25:45 Yeah. So they try not that work. There was an international social housing festival being hosted by Finland last summer. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:25:55 And so, since we were all curious to learn more, we altogether a delegation, or pull together funding and a delegation to go from Hawaii to this festival that have over 40 countries and almost a 1,000 people [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:26:15 And share about this [Aura Reyes] 18:26:20 This was actually to one of the events that they were having for the festival. [Aura Reyes] 18:26:27 This was to a it was for use. It was a youth housing project that they had done, but what they did was they? [Aura Reyes] 18:26:38 They? It's like supportive housing units, but they're allowed to stay there all the way up until I can't remember how old it was, but I mean there are a lot to stay there taking so 35. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:26:50 35, [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:26:53 Yeah. [Aura Reyes] 18:26:54 Yeah. And then they have all these other like additional services. They have supportive you personnel on staff. [Aura Reyes] 18:27:01 They. They have a lot of community space spaces, and it's is the units are, are not that small, but they're not that big either, but everything in Finland, we found out, was really practical. [Aura Reyes] 18:27:17 So their their spaces were intended for to in engage in more community activities and things like that [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:27:31 And so this was the statistic that really caught her attention. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:27:35 And about going to Finland in particular was they had really emphasize ending this? [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:27:43 And have they been making huge progress? And actually, this statistic includes people living with friends and relatives. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:27:53 So alright. Did you see much outdoor homelessness [Aura Reyes] 18:27:57 Yeah. [Aura Reyes] 18:27:59 No, not at all. There were a few people that maybe look like they could have might have been, but they weren't the the typical. [Aura Reyes] 18:28:11 What we would classify as a homeless person [Aura Reyes] 18:28:16 Yeah, I think maybe there was like one or 2 2 people. [Aura Reyes] 18:28:20 I think maybe we saw that could have been [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:28:24 Yeah, super different than our reality. Here in in Hawaii. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:28:34 So this was, yeah. [Aura Reyes] 18:28:35 This place. This place caught my attention. This place, this is one of their units, one of their projects, that they converted to social housing. [Aura Reyes] 18:28:48 There's social housing would be like what equivalents like are supportive. [Aura Reyes] 18:28:53 Is this supportive housing kind of [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:28:54 Yup, well, okay, housing is anything that gets government help. [Aura Reyes] 18:28:55 Yeah. So what? They? Yup, no cool. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:29:00 But this, this in particular, was supportive housing. Yeah. [Aura Reyes] 18:29:02 Yeah, but how they they changed it and their rules, and basically what it broke down to was they had included people with lived experience who are moving into the building and they included them in the planning process in creating the rules. [Aura Reyes] 18:29:20 And and organizing the structure of the the project, and how the the people living there actually wanted this program to be operated. [Aura Reyes] 18:29:34 And then they actually operate the so everyday, or they manage the everyday operations of of the project [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:29:46 Yep. And so Finland really has said, Okay, housing is a human right? [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:29:56 And we're gonna do. So I'll come back to this. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:30:00 But sorry, just hey! They spend a lot more on housing and rent assistance, and here you can see the Us. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:30:08 Average is down here. This is specifically rent, assistance, and Finland is way up here. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:30:13 So it does take resources, but they think of housing as an investment in their people. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:30:20 An investment with with loan returns [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:30:25 And so, yeah, this was another place we visited, which was their largest shelter. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:30:35 Which thing got converted to support of housing. And then where do you put your remember from this [Aura Reyes] 18:30:40 And well, it really what it it comes down to is it's providing housing with services right? [Aura Reyes] 18:30:49 So they have supportive services on staff. They allow their residents. [Aura Reyes] 18:30:55 So now Yup! To to live independently. Right? So they they're part like like the other place. [Aura Reyes] 18:31:01 They're part of the the planning process, and they they help participate in creating the rules for their community there. [Aura Reyes] 18:31:10 And they help to manage it, and but they don't have term limits for how long someone can stay in these supportive units. [Aura Reyes] 18:31:21 And it, it really just comes down to it's a change of mindset, that's all it is. [Aura Reyes] 18:31:27 Really, it's about just shifting our mindset and just changing the narratives on things. [Aura Reyes] 18:31:31 And you there's a there's an obvious, obviously [Aura Reyes] 18:31:39 Oh, what am I trying to say? You could just see the change in the dynamics of how things worked between between the and the people who are on staff and the people who are tenants. [Aura Reyes] 18:31:52 They're like a more of a relationship on the people level. Instead of this [Aura Reyes] 18:31:59 Worker, client relationship, you know. So it was really more. [Aura Reyes] 18:32:05 It was a lot welcoming. They were really welcoming and friendly, and the environment there was really nice, and it was pleasant [Aura Reyes] 18:32:15 Not to say they didn't have problems. They they admit they still have problems, but they just approach it differently. [Aura Reyes] 18:32:23 So they they, when they encounter a problem instead of kicking tenants out, they work with them through mediations and through other other means. [Aura Reyes] 18:32:30 But as support network [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:32:34 Yup! [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:32:37 So yeah, it it really just is a matter of a mindset shift. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:32:43 And then they went to work on, literally purchasing homes off the private market, converting them to a affordable housing. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:32:55 Every single new neighborhood in Finland, now has that 50% of the homes have to be affordable at a range of different prices, and they provide significant re support. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:33:08 If you can't before the rent. So [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:33:11 I think it was really important to just see that and see that a a different system possible that'd be my takeaway. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:33:20 What was your take away, aura [Aura Reyes] 18:33:22 Yeah, that it's possible is definitely possible. And it really doesn't take a lot of changes that need to be made. [Aura Reyes] 18:33:29 It's just a lot of changing minds the way we think and the way we look at our problems [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:33:39 Yeah. So then, the last slide is just that it's starting to happen here in Hawaii. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:33:44 I think it is having an impact or newest Governor Josh Green said. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:33:49 Housing is a human right, and his inaugural address, a few weeks ago. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:33:53 And so there is now kind of wide acceptance that we want to end this. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:33:58 And so now the talk is about what is, what are the solutions? [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:34:02 And it, even though we're a long way from. And I I think the conversation is going in a better direction. [Aura Reyes] 18:34:09 And there's been a lot of chit talk recently, instead of just about our problems. [Aura Reyes] 18:34:15 And about controlling our problems. There's been a lot of change in those conversations where they're now shifting towards. [Aura Reyes] 18:34:24 How do we solve? Not? How do we solve these problems? [Aura Reyes] 18:34:27 But what are the solutions, or what are other solutions, or what are other means that we can use? [Aura Reyes] 18:34:33 Or how do we incorporate all these different entities and bring them together? [Aura Reyes] 18:34:38 So that's progress. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:34:43 That's so. That's so exciting to hear, especially as we we. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:34:49 We talk about that a lot here at the Coalition to just like the idea of housing first and stuff there are like a lot of comments coming through, too. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:34:59 So I just wanna read through them and then ask you some questions as well. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:35:03 And again. Thank you so much for for joining us, but we do have, I believe Teresa was the first one who did not. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:35:16 Something about just Europeans believing in social care, but they really did invest. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:35:23 And you showed that with that chart, which was pretty pretty stuck contracts like all the way over here, and we were like at the end of the spectrum. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:35:33 But I think that definitely makes a difference, and we have also crystal lover who mentioned that we are in February, and it is black history month. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:35:42 And I did just wanna uplift that because there was definitely a lot of work done by the black community to make sure that individuals were safely and stably. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:35:52 Housed in housing through a lot of different housing programs. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:35:57 So thank you again, Crystal, for bringing that up, and then we do have a few questions coming in. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:36:06 I think the first one that I see here comes from Sarah Hazmer, who asked if Finland has a lot of big corporate landlords [Aura Reyes] 18:36:18 That's a question for kenna [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:36:19 Yeah. Got it. There are some. However, I'm a good, the biggest. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:36:31 Change is that 30% to 50% of their new homes being built are financed by the public. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:36:44 So it's the public money. And so those homes stay price restricted and and affordable long term, whereas at least here in Hawaii we are fine. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:36:57 The public is helping pay for maybe 10 to 20% of new homes, meaning that most housing is privately finance. And then you lose a lot of control [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:37:07 Yeah, and I, we had a webinar a few months back on the community. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:37:14 Land Trust is like one model of trying to maintain things affordable permanently or long term. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:37:21 But I'm excited to learn more about how we're doing that here. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:37:26 As well, but just like different methods of doing it. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:37:31 Let me see if there's anything in the Q. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:37:32 A box before I participants that we can invite. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:37:38 We have one question from Susan that says, where there any residents with high acuity means [Aura Reyes] 18:37:39 Awesome. [Aura Reyes] 18:37:46 Yeah, so they, I mean, they have. They have a lot of people up there like they have a high alcoholism, you know, the alcoholism is like a huge, huge, humongous thing up there, and I mean, so yeah, and then they they have people who do drugs. And stuff. [Aura Reyes] 18:38:07 Like that, or whatever's, or who have mental illnesses and stuff. [Aura Reyes] 18:38:11 But the thing is with their system. What we notice is that they don't make the people fit into the system. [Aura Reyes] 18:38:19 They build their system around the people and the needs of the people. [Aura Reyes] 18:38:23 So, if you have a problem with this, they just their solution is, they'll create something to kind of support and keep that. [Aura Reyes] 18:38:31 You know, so like they'll build their say. Say, they'll those people would go into like a social, a supportive housing unit where they have onsite people with health and harm reduction centers on services of available to them. [Aura Reyes] 18:38:49 You know things like that. They have counselors on site and and you know, so all these other things. [Aura Reyes] 18:38:53 So they just build their service, their their services around the people literally. [Aura Reyes] 18:38:59 Huh! [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:39:01 That sounds that that sounds easy. [Aura Reyes] 18:39:03 What a concept [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:39:06 Government, 4 and 5 people. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:39:11 Exactly. It really sounds like a good idea. We have some more questions coming in. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:39:18 So, one coming in from [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:39:26 I think, from from Brook. How are you using what you learned and your takeaways from that experience to influence the mindset? And why [Aura Reyes] 18:39:38 Go ahead! [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:39:38 Well, no one. So it it it's now more and more like the Governor's speech, said this concept. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:39:47 Everybody should be securing it's not something for the deserving, and it's not about. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:39:51 If you earn enough money. That that stereotype is still there. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:39:56 But I think our politicians are now coming around, and so on. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:40:01 A tangible sense. It means there is an emphasis on buying land, putting much more money into housing and trying to. Okay. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:40:16 Use public land where there's State County to then build your affordable housing. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:40:23 So really moving away inclusionary zoning where it's just a certain percentage to more within a neighborhood ensuring that the 50% is affordable [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:40:36 So I think it's kind of doing what we do. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:40:40 But bumping up the scale [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:40:43 And I definitely have. True, I was talking to my team about this last week, too, but just like reading up more on zoning, because it's such a big thing in the United States, and I feel like often the term inclusion. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:40:55 Every sounding is often almost I don't really feel like the definition they call me up, but I did want to bring somebody off mute. [Aura Reyes] 18:41:00 It's such a pain in the [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:41:07 If that's okay with both of you to ask the question or share their story, and I think Teresa Scott have their handwriting. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:41:13 So I'll go ahead and let them come off mute. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:41:17 Teresa, you should be good to go [Teresa Scott] 18:41:18 Yes, hi! Peace and blessing I work with save. [Teresa Scott] 18:41:22 Section 9. Here in New York City and Neighborhood for a walkway. [Teresa Scott] 18:41:26 You live in nitro. One of the things that I was saying was that, do ya the job? [Teresa Scott] 18:41:30 Bring back, like their plan. Maybe we could share with the stuff with the legislators here, because sound like a great plan, and I think it would be good if we could get you like. [Teresa Scott] 18:41:38 What what would you call that when, when, what do you call? [Teresa Scott] 18:41:41 I forgot what it's called I have it on top of my song, but you know, like like they're planning how to how they work that system, because I think that could be something that we could lobby what I'd love to say is to get them to bring that here. [Teresa Scott] 18:41:51 Because assume cause when y'all said that they create the program around the people, not not the p, not create the problem for the people. [Teresa Scott] 18:41:57 That was just so. That was mine, boggling. You know I'm I'm very interested. [Teresa Scott] 18:42:03 I might have to move to Finland in that case. No, I'm services like we have to deal with so much stuff here in U.S.A. [Teresa Scott] 18:42:10 And so they we need to advocate to get, you know, like these kind of programs, board to our legislation. [Teresa Scott] 18:42:17 So that's the way the bill is gonna get passed and lobby for this kind of stuff. [Teresa Scott] 18:42:20 So did did they. Were they able to share their problem with you? [Teresa Scott] 18:42:25 So to Chuck, and I'm passing on to people and and pass it on to other agencies so they could bring it to. [Teresa Scott] 18:42:32 You know the the large saves here cause new York is terrible. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:42:35 Oh, we actually or I can talk about this, too. When we came back we had the idea to invite some of their government experts to a housing conference in her way. [Teresa Scott] 18:42:47 Oh, yeah, I I wanna come. So [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:42:49 Yeah, so we we actually brought over finish representatives to Hawaii in November to to share. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:43:00 And you know, for for the finance people to talk to the finance people here and there's a I could put in the chat. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:43:06 There's a social housing festival in Spain, the same one. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:43:09 We went to is now in in Barcelona in June, so we're trying to. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:43:12 Maybe bring people. To go to Barcelona, and then also go to Finland because Finland is just very advanced in there. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:43:19 Policy. But yeah, we we need to be looking for models that work absolutely and [Teresa Scott] 18:43:24 Yeah. [Teresa Scott] 18:43:26 Because we have. We have nitro sex. We have a lot of money here, but they just Miss me, and they're not even using all of us. [Teresa Scott] 18:43:35 But we like your New York. They're not even using all the money. [Teresa Scott] 18:43:36 So if we can come with a program decline that could create a different, you know. [Teresa Scott] 18:43:42 Oh, it sounds really wonderful! I'm telling you. I'm just so excited. [Aura Reyes] 18:43:43 As a about including the people. Right? [Teresa Scott] 18:43:46 Yes, just getting people to record it. Thank you so much. [Teresa Scott] 18:43:50 I really appreciate it. You know that you want to. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:43:52 Yeah, yeah. [Teresa Scott] 18:43:53 It's a blessing for me, but I'm definitely I'm putting my email in in in the chat so you can reach out to me. [Teresa Scott] 18:44:00 I'd love to go to one conference and bring it back to you up [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:44:03 Yeah. Come, I think we're gonna organize people for a conference in June. [Aura Reyes] 18:44:04 Okay. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:44:08 And and the people from Friendly will be at the conference. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:44:11 Yeah. [Teresa Scott] 18:44:12 And so you'll go on a bus alone [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:44:14 That's a plan. [Teresa Scott] 18:44:15 Oh, wow! I would love to do it! [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:44:19 Thank you. Thank you so much Teresa, and I know that we do have some folks from New York who also recently went abroad. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:44:20 Okay. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:44:28 I can't remember the specific country, but we'll share that information to. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:44:34 I think we had. Jr. Who is one of our members of our tenant leader, Cohort, who was also mentioning some stuff in the Q. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:44:44 A so unmute him to also ask his questions really fast. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:44:49 But oh, thanks. [Willie “J.R.” fleming] 18:44:49 Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! J. R. Fleming from Chicago. [Willie “J.R.” fleming] 18:44:55 I also believe in a forcing a human rights to housing just real quick. [Willie “J.R.” fleming] 18:44:58 I was wondering was this part of the sustainable development goes of 2,030, or the Mdgs. [Willie “J.R.” fleming] 18:45:03 And was there any human rights practitioners from Hawaii who participated? [Willie “J.R.” fleming] 18:45:07 Or do you work with any human rights? Practitioners like Josh Cooper in them? [Aura Reyes] 18:45:14 Yeah, so I think our delegation was more or less on trying to bring in people at the the from the ground level. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:45:15 We had a significant delegation of native on one end, and so we also visited the sunny people. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:45:24 Finland, the the last indigenous tribe, and we think we do think, Finland, it has then more people, first, because they we're more village oriented and and had the least hierarchy of any European country. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:45:46 So they were formed in 1917, and their history is one of going from villages and very, very poor country to organizing themselves and and having them one of the least amount of hierarchies of all of Europe, I don't know if that's helpful, but they were they were not never a a [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:46:08 colonial country. They they didn't colonize anyone. They were. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:46:11 They themselves were colonized by Sweden, and then, and then Russia [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:46:18 Did that answer your question? Jr, you can [Willie “J.R.” fleming] 18:46:21 Yes, thanks. I I was just wondering what did the part of their like sustainable development goes, cause I know I met a delegation at the UN. [Willie “J.R.” fleming] 18:46:30 In 2,015, and they had mentioned they were gonna address 2,000 and some provocative new way with innovative new way [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:46:39 I don't think so. I think it was just their goals of of of housing as a human rights. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:46:43 Just my memory. [Aura Reyes] 18:46:58 The communities bring the communities that are affected by housing, or, you know, get them involved into these conversations and put them at the tables with our government officials. And that's kind of what where we're starting [Aura Reyes] 18:47:16 But I don't know about. Do you know about that delegation in 2,015? [Aura Reyes] 18:47:22 I'm not familiar with that delegation, so [Willie “J.R.” fleming] 18:47:25 Oh, just a human, wise group. I appreciate it. [Willie “J.R.” fleming] 18:47:28 Thanks, so much [Aura Reyes] 18:47:30 Yes. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:47:30 Awesome. Thank you. Thank you so much. Jar. I'm gonna take one question from the chat, and then maybe we can take one more person from the audience. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:47:40 But there was a good question. I think it was Christopher or no Cj. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:47:45 But well, either of the conferences that you've mentioned like have hybrid options for attendance for at least a session or 2? Or is it like on person [Aura Reyes] 18:47:57 Or is it all [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:47:58 In person. [Aura Reyes] 18:48:03 That's it. Good question for our conferences [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:48:04 Okay. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:48:08 So the one in Finland, there were some online availability, and presumably the one in Barcelona will have some online definitely. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:48:20 And then it's just the time zone. But from depends on where you are. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:48:25 It might not be too bad if you're on the East coast. Parcel one on my point 5 h, maybe [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:48:32 No, hopefully. Some folks can make it to, you know. There's some folks who aren't able to travel or just have medical restrictions, so it would be helpful to have them participate and other ways to let me just make sure that I'm missing anything [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:48:52 And I do see a lot of questions folks just asking for help, with some of the concerns that you might have with your housing feel free to ask those we might not be able to get to them today, but I will make sure that I share resources [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:49:09 To do, I'll invite. I think I saw Crystal Lover. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:49:15 Have yep, okay. So I'll invite Crystal to talk crystal. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:49:19 You're able to unmute. Now, if you want to go ahead and ask question [Crystal Glover] 18:49:22 Thank you very much. I have chills almost because the person that invited me to tend to talk, you know, and stuff like this, I'm not really fully familiar well, what you'll do, but I will say this much. [Crystal Glover] 18:49:37 I'm calling from Manhattan, as people say. [Crystal Glover] 18:49:41 Mahat. And I just want to recognize that in public housing. [Crystal Glover] 18:49:49 Okay, I'm a former 10 association president. And when I became president, I think a week later, Bloomberg was getting ready to infill. [Crystal Glover] 18:49:59 Okay, so the person from community 10, or whatever they call it Tpa, or whatever commute operations, that's what it was. [Crystal Glover] 18:50:09 And actually, he tells me, almost clever. They're gonna they're interested. [Crystal Glover] 18:50:14 They're bringing infill to your development. Are they going to be 3 sites on your our management office? [Crystal Glover] 18:50:21 A area right in front of my building and another area. [Crystal Glover] 18:50:24 And I'm like, but there's no room. That's the first thing I said to him. [Crystal Glover] 18:50:28 So what my 10 is what we did, and the Malaysia we got involved with the urban justice Center. [Crystal Glover] 18:50:34 We gave them $4,000 of our tenant participation activity funds, and as a result, infill was canceled [Crystal Glover] 18:50:46 No infill here at this development. What am I talking about? [Crystal Glover] 18:50:51 This 10. I think you already talked about the monies. This hug money HUD gives exuberant amounts to developments every year, and these tennis associations are sitting up there sitting on the money when I was in there. [Crystal Glover] 18:51:06 We used to. You'd have to have your cons license consulting. [Crystal Glover] 18:51:10 You get should propose a bit. Now night you read it, and they approve it, and I think they pinched like 2,000 or per pop. [Crystal Glover] 18:51:19 It could be 5,000 by now, because this was back in 2,011, it could be 5,000. 10,000. [Crystal Glover] 18:51:24 Who knows the bottom line is you need to go, you tas! [Crystal Glover] 18:51:29 And ras, resident councils need to go online and look up tenant resident engagement and look under the Tpa funding. [Crystal Glover] 18:51:38 But the last thing I would like to say under this Black History month piece, and thank you for giving me this much time. [Crystal Glover] 18:51:45 Nicer is. It's a killing feel. All these murders and shootings. [Crystal Glover] 18:51:54 This is no accident. These developments to me operated by an entity that's ugly and disgusting. [Crystal Glover] 18:52:05 And so what's happening? Our children are being murdered back. [Crystal Glover] 18:52:12 A Rapid Fire and Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam! [Crystal Glover] 18:52:16 And we want to sit around and talk about public housing and how much land they're gonna build on this, and we won't be here if we continue like this. [Crystal Glover] 18:52:24 So I urge all 10 if you don't have a 10 association, just like the lady said earlier in the program. [Crystal Glover] 18:52:31 That Tpa money is still sitting there. Every development has a Tpa account sitting there, whether they're operating or not. [Crystal Glover] 18:52:39 These people have all this money sitting around, I'm not gonna say what I really feel about what they're doing with that money, because this is a recording that's going on. [Crystal Glover] 18:52:48 So, and I don't feel like going to jail. [Crystal Glover] 18:52:52 I don't want to get shot, and I don't want to go jail, but the bottom line is, the ball is in our court. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:52:58 Yes. [Crystal Glover] 18:52:58 You get on that phone and you call nicer. And he says, Well, what extension would you like? [Crystal Glover] 18:53:05 Resident Engagement Yuka bastards, or we. [Crystal Glover] 18:53:10 I was in the Lewis Williams. You asked. Speak to them. [Crystal Glover] 18:53:13 You tell them you want to create a tenant association in your development, they will get elections going and guess what they're not gonna come downtown and tell your tennis associations what to do because the bylaws that you created your development says that you are independent what is the end and [Crystal Glover] 18:53:32 Democratic, so they can't come up there and tell you what to do. [Crystal Glover] 18:53:35 The tenants have to say. You know what way my T. [Crystal Glover] 18:53:38 Ain't doing this, and they're not doing that we're gonna go them in town. [Crystal Glover] 18:53:41 You don't start doing this in this, we're gonna vote your tail out here. [Crystal Glover] 18:53:44 Guess what a lot of tas get in unopposed, meaning that tennis don't even come out to vote because either they don't know it's voting time. The little papers that they put up you need to magnify glass you read it the list goes on and on and on and on [Crystal Glover] 18:53:59 And on, and I thank God for this little Venus helping me to be able to say this because I'm sick and tired of hearing about my little boys and girls being married. [Crystal Glover] 18:54:10 There was a shooting today in walls 15 east Windsburg, Brooklyn boy got grazed in his head. [Crystal Glover] 18:54:16 17 years old girl shot in her gut. This is every single day, and I'm sick of it, and somebody better do something. [Crystal Glover] 18:54:24 And you know somebody will have to be us. I don't mean to get him well, I do mean to get emotional. [Crystal Glover] 18:54:30 Okay, have a nice day. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:54:33 Thank you so much. Crystal, for sharing, and we do. We're limited on time. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:54:37 But there are folks from New York on the call who you might want to connect with. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:54:42 So I really strongly advice that you drop your email in the chat if you haven't already, so that they can connect with you, because I think that some of them have their hands raised, and I won't be able to get to them. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:54:52 Unfortunately. But you're definitely gonna wanna so thank you again for sharing for being comfortable with us. [Crystal Glover] 18:54:57 Don't you see so much [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:54:59 We'll we'll talk soon, so I'm just gonna ask one more question to our guests today, just coming from our own Kaylee. [Crystal Glover] 18:55:01 Thank you. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:55:12 Well, who is a policy analyst with analyst C. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:55:16 But a few Congressional staff are just asking about international solutions to housing. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:55:21 What would you tell them after your visit to Finland, any Federal legislation that could transfer [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:55:30 So I one of the main things that Finland, and also of Vienna. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:55:38 We went to Vienna in September, does, is they? [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:55:42 Incentivize local cities or counties to build afforded by housing, by saying, we will give you infrastructure money if you provide land for affordable housing [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:55:57 Or if you agree with a certain number of units to be, receive public subsidy. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:56:03 So at the Federal level. We just passed this a bunch of infrastructure money. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:56:09 But it's not contingent on there being affordable housing, so we didn't. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:56:14 Great, that incentive, though I think some states and counties can, can do that on their own, can choose to put that infrastructure money. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:56:22 But there's a lot of using the top level government to incentivize zoning and financing changes at the lower level. [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:56:31 Governments. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:56:34 That sounds great. Thank you so much for sharing, and we'll go ahead and take that back. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:56:38 We did. We had a meeting last week, or somebody asked about that, and I was like great question, cause we're actually gonna talk about that on Monday. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:56:45 So thank you so much again, both of you, for joining out, or and Kenneth for joining us today. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:56:52 But we're gonna go ahead and just wrap it up for now. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:56:55 But is it okay? If we go ahead and just share your email addresses with folks so that they can follow up after if they have any questions [Kenna StormoGipson] 18:57:03 Absolutely. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:57:05 Sounds great. Well, thank you both again for joining us, and I'll go ahead and just give some closing comments for today. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:57:16 And then Damon, I did see your comment, and I've been meaning to to call you for the longest time. Talk about that. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:57:24 But I think that'll probably definitely be a local effort. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:57:29 I just wanna make sure that I tell you that. Perfect. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:57:34 Okay, so really, quickly, I just wanna make sure that I go over a few reminders before we end the call. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:57:40 But yeah, just want to give a big round of applause to all of our panelists today. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:57:46 We learned so much, and it was very exciting. We are looking for blog post authors for our on the home front, blog on an ongoing basis. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:57:57 And again, if you want to have you're still featured on that blog. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:58:01 We do have a few like legitimate, that we can share with you all, and I'll share that in recap email, but feel free to reach out to us if you want to participate. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:58:10 If you have any questions or if you want to, just share a little bit about what you want to post about, we're happy to include you. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:58:16 We've had a lot of really good blog post recently. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:58:20 Yeah, it's super exciting. And then don't forget to join our Facebook group we have a tenet talk. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:58:28 Facebook page, where a lot of folks connect. And if you have any questions that you would want help with, that's like the best place to to post them with or to post them at. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:58:38 And then, if you're interested in attending our 2,023 Housing policy Forum in DC. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:58:44 This march we'll drop the link in the chat so that you can register for that. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:58:47 We're gonna have a tenant session on March the twentieth and twenty-first, and we're gonna have a very special guest. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:58:56 We're gonna have Miss Ruth May Harris, who is a freedom one of the original freedom singers, and we did get to meet her. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:59:05 The tenant leader, cohort didn't get to meet her earlier, not this year, but in October of last year, so we're really excited to have her join us again, and we hope that some of you will also get to meet her so feel free to sign up for that and join us really exciting stuff there's a [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:59:22 Lot of good sessions that are happening at the form, too. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:59:25 So yeah, if again, yeah, have any questions, have any feedback feel free to reach out to me and thank you so so much. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 18:59:34 Everyone for joining today is kind of talk. Live, and we'll see you on March sixth. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 19:00:06 Hi! I'm just saving the chat and everything. [Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)] 19:00:09 But you are free free to go. If if you need to go [Lindsay Duvall (she/her), NLIHC] 19:00:12 Thanks, Ken. Thanks, Ken. I have a good night