00:21:09 Gabby Ross: Grounded Solutions Network: https://groundedsolutions.org/ 00:21:16 Gabby Ross: Douglass CLT: https://douglassclt.org/ 00:23:46 Alvin Sangsuwangul: Hey Tony! Good to see you! 00:24:14 Gabby Ross: Grounded Solutions Network: https://groundedsolutions.org/ 00:24:32 rich c: like this webinar because it's different than the other nlihc meetings... more relaxed 00:29:16 Dr. Bambie Hayes-Brown: Hey Yasin! 00:30:42 Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/her): Simplified, haha ๐Ÿ˜‚ 00:31:18 Dr. Bambie Hayes-Brown: Shout out to Charles Sherrod my fellow South Georgia native 00:31:30 Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/her): Yes! ^^ 00:33:06 Dr. Bambie Hayes-Brown: Marion King has an awesome story 00:33:19 Gabby Ross: https://www.arcofjusticefilm.com/ 00:34:50 Dr. Bambie Hayes-Brown: Thank you for recognizing the impact and importance of the pioneers of CLTs from Southwest Georgia 00:37:57 Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/her): thernandez@groundedsolutions.org (503) 493-1000 x29 00:39:08 Gabby Ross: Douglass CLT: https://douglassclt.org/ 00:39:20 rich c: bienvenidos 00:42:41 Juanita Haynes Mckenzie: Juanita Haynes Mckenzie D.C. Great information. Thank you so much. 00:43:42 Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/her): TOPA: https://dhcd.dc.gov/service/tenant-opportunity-purchase-assistance 00:46:34 Jamie Burmester: is there a replay of this? I forgot my headphones and I am on my bike 00:47:06 Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/her): Hello Jamie! Yes, this will be recorded and included in this week's "The Connection" e-blast on Friday. 00:52:43 Sarah Hassmer: Just to quickly clarify: my parents want to sell while theyโ€™re still living (they want to move closer to me when they get too old to care for themselves) 00:53:07 Jennifer Mohawk: Governmental entities have often used eminent domain to grab land they wanted. Do these CLTs have any more protection against eminent domain than owners of single family homes? 00:54:03 DeBoRah Dickerson: what are some of issues in obtaining CLT regarding the city they live or Community? I'm on East Harlem El-Barrio Community Land Trust in New York Board 00:54:52 Harold Simon: Here's a Shelterforce article on people finding homes and working with the CLT to acquire the house that they will move into. https://shelterforce.org/2011/07/25/its_all_about_choice/ 00:56:18 Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/her): Thanks for sharing Harold! 00:57:54 Regina Pursley: Could the land trust buy abandoned homes in the community to make affordable housing? 00:59:05 Deborah Olson: Deborah Olson, Gresham Or, sorry lost the feed, took 20 minutes to get back 01:00:29 CJ OHara: Does your local land trust have communications within local CoCs or Contunnim of Care 01:04:32 Elizabeth Maupin: Does TOPA exist outside Washington, DC? Would it exist in Washington state? 01:07:04 Deborah Olson: Who pays the property tax? the buyer or the land trust? I know there are 2 separate tax parts. 01:07:29 Ginger Rumph: Here's an article on DC and San Fran's TOPAhttps://ggwash.org/view/85868/comparing-dc-and-san-franciscos-tenant-purchase-laws 01:07:48 Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/her): Thank you Ginger! 01:08:08 Deborah Olson: I did not know what Land Trust was a few years ago and I get an email asking for a donation. I thought it was a scam 01:08:52 Mrs Brown: Thanks for excellent presentations. 01:08:55 Chris Alexander: This has been great, thanks for the quite detailed explanation of the land trust process. 01:09:17 Chris Alexander: ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ 01:09:19 Gabby Ross: Feedback survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf1ayUJYKzbWU1Fqd88NpjSIWeHti2EWXXTp28YT5v97a6Kkg/viewform 01:09:36 Claudia swaney: we need help here in mi 01:09:45 Sloan Wilson: Thank you so much! This has been incredibly informative 01:09:48 Harold Simon: Great session! Thank you both! 01:09:53 Venus Little: Wonderful Conversation 01:09:54 Ginger Rumph: Venus & Juanita are DC TOPA champions who are on here as participants :) 01:10:19 Venus Little: Hi GingernThanknYou 01:10:37 Gabby Ross: Tenant Talk, Housing is Built with Ballots: https://nlihc.org/explore-issues/publications-research/tenant-talk 01:11:23 Gabby Ross: Tenant Talk Cover Art Blog Post: https://hfront.org/2022/08/30/on-the-home-front-images-of-homelessness/ 01:12:03 Gabby Ross: On the Home Front blog: https://hfront.org/ 01:12:21 Gabby Ross: Sidโ€™s email address: sbetancourt@nlihc.org 01:12:31 Gabby Ross: outreach@nlihc.org 01:12:40 Gabby Ross: Join the Tenant Talk FB page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TenantTalk 01:12:51 Gabby Ross: :) 01:13:06 Gabby Ross: thanks everyone!