18:04:40 From Gabby Ross to Everyone: https://housingoregon.org/ 18:04:44 From Leona Davidson to Everyone: Hey, I am using this app to record meetings and take notes with AI. https://zoom.beulr.com/ 18:04:46 From Gabby Ross to Everyone: https://www.wiscap.org/ 18:05:56 From Brian Horne to Hosts and panelists: Hello from Denver, CO! 18:05:58 From vee sanchez to Hosts and panelists: Hi there. I wanted to see if a tenant union/organizing directory exists, and if not whether you create a list of tenant organizers and unions that want to be able to reach out each other? Thank you 18:07:22 From Gabby Ross to Everyone: https://housingoregon.org/ 18:08:36 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Everyone: pt. 1 Excellent question, vee! We don't currently have a directory but that would be a good idea to explore. We do have a facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TenantTalk 18:09:10 From Marsh Santoro to Everyone: Kevin Cronin is awesome. 18:09:17 From vee sanchez to Hosts and panelists: Thanks Sid! 18:09:21 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Everyone: pt. 2 I know the Autonomous Tenants Union Network has a list as well, it may not be what you're looking for but it might be a bit helpful: https://atun-rsia.org/tenants-unions 18:09:24 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Everyone: no problem! 18:09:34 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Everyone: @Marsh agreed! 18:10:16 From Aaron Shaw to Everyone: Just checking in 18:11:09 From Linda Soderstrom to Everyone: I got bumped twice in 24 months too, and it messes up any savings you have. And that was With a Voucher. 18:13:01 From Mavis A. Creagh to Hosts and panelists: Thank you for sharing 18:13:33 From Mary Ann Padua to Everyone: Mary Ann P. Padua, Olmstead MN. Implementation Office: Prevention of Abuse and Neglect Workgroup, Certified Partners in Policymaking Class 31, MICAH, The Arc of Minnesota....Hello everyone. 18:13:36 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Love this idea! We should press for application fee caps nationwide 18:13:44 From Damon Blanchard to Everyone: Damon Columbus Ohio 18:14:03 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Everyone: Feel free to share your questions in the Q&A! πŸ™‚ 18:14:33 From William Higgins to Everyone: William Higgins, Homeless Advocacy for All, At-Large Officer With Lived Experience for Maine CoC Board, Consumer Advisory Board for National Alliance to End Homelessness, Board Member of National Coalition for the Homeless 18:15:34 From Esther Malkin to Everyone: city of Monterey has ours tomorrow on rental registry, lowering annual max increase & vacancy tax 18:15:58 From Ena Fenderson to Everyone: Thanks Sid 18:16:13 From Damon Blanchard to Everyone: inflation is a joke 18:16:36 From Esther Malkin to Everyone: Cam has 5+CPI but max of 10% we're going to lower it 18:16:36 From Ena Fenderson to Everyone: Inflation=making money 18:16:41 From Damon Blanchard to Everyone: It's an excuse to gouge prices on everything 18:16:45 From Jerilynn Mabry to Everyone: Greetings from Harlem, NY.πŸ‘‹πŸ½ 18:16:48 From Esther Malkin to Everyone: *Ca 18:17:13 From Charmell Shaw to Hosts and panelists: 2-4 Tenants Association Roosevelt Island NYC 10044/MOE 18:17:47 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Everyone: Wow! That's awesome! 18:17:48 From Esther Malkin to Everyone: where is there to go if move out....πŸ˜ͺ 18:17:53 From Danielle Radic to Everyone: Hi Everyone from Seattle WA. Danie (she/her) with United Way of King County/ Partnerships Manager for the Eviction Prevention Rent Assistance Program. 18:17:55 From Elizabeth Maupin to Hosts and panelists: Inflation is not a funny joke for seniors on fixed income. 18:17:57 From Damon Blanchard to Everyone: unfortunately in Ohio the governor and his gop legislatures have made sure we can't 18:18:13 From Jenna Juniper to Everyone: Jenna Juniper with Housing Consultants of America. Affordable Housing Consulting, Training, and Auditing. Jenna@JuniperCompliance.com 18:18:23 From Damon Blanchard to Everyone: have rent stabilization or rent control 18:18:26 From Coach Ron to Everyone: πŸ€πŸ”πŸŽ Amen to that joyfully Coach Ron joyfully with World Famous LA RUN email skidrow.ca@gmail.com 😁 18:20:17 From Damon Blanchard to Everyone: if co-oping after 5 years in your apartment was an option anywhere 18:20:58 From Barbara Wittkopf to Everyone: You have done a lot! in one year!!! 18:21:31 From Marsh Santoro to Everyone: Kevin how do I join this state committee? 18:21:31 From Aaron Shaw to Everyone: later, Thanks. See you all next time 18:21:36 From Coach Ron to Everyone: πŸ™ Amen to that joyfully Housing First model need help asap 🀨 18:22:22 From Mary Ann Padua to Everyone: Another thing too is that when your homeless, there's no legal aide available in The State of Minnesota, I don't know about other states? 18:23:00 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: The opposition is very much aware that there's strength in numbers, and will use the old divide & conquer against us when possible. Do you have any tips on strengthening our network? 18:23:03 From Heather Barnes to Everyone: What are the bill numbers 18:23:07 From Willie β€œJ.R.” fleming to Everyone: Hi From Chicago sorry I’m late 18:23:34 From Gabby Ross to Everyone: ERASE tenant protections: https://nlihc.org/tenant-protections 18:23:35 From Deanna Nagle to Hosts and panelists: I have a question related to state voucher in MA for disability and very serious issues I’m having for medical expenses not being considered in my calculation of rent burden 18:23:36 From Esther Malkin to Everyone: did the application fee ordinance pass? city or state? 18:24:14 From Gabby Ross to Everyone: https://www.wiscap.org/ 18:24:23 From Claudia Swaney to Hosts and panelists: we do to here in michigan the 4 seasons too. 18:25:06 From Jessica Rose to Everyone: The most direct help I have ever received came from a community action agency in MN. Tricap 18:25:26 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Everyone: Mary Ann and Deanna: We're happy to follow up after the call with some resources. 18:25:59 From Mary Ann Padua to Everyone: Thank you for that, I appreciate it. 18:26:54 From Jessica Rose to Everyone: Can I sit in on that? I am from MN too and have not gotten any actual help from legal aide so I'm curious what resources you may have to share too. 18:27:16 From Claudia Swaney to Hosts and panelists: the MSHDA ( michigan ) sucks right now , the five year plan . we still have trouble with high rents and luxury apartments NO low income apartments . 18:28:43 From Damon Blanchard to Everyone: it's not helping that utilities are trying to gouge us now either 18:28:52 From Claudia Swaney to Hosts and panelists: Cant go to city hall meetings .no transportation . to voice my conserns . 18:29:01 From Robin Worl to Everyone: not enough help for disabled seniors in Kenosha co Wi for ulitities 18:29:10 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: My furnace was spewing out carbon monoxide unbeknownst to me. That program not only got me a new furnace, it saved my LIFE 18:29:20 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: People surviving on low-income are at higher risk of wrongful convictions, harsher sentences & other problems in the criminal justice system due to lack of resources for defense if accused of a crime. If convicted, having a record often prevents people from finding decent housing even if the conviction was for a minor offense and/or something decades ago. Is anyone working on limiting lookback periods or anything else to help these folks? 18:30:03 From Claudia Swaney to Hosts and panelists: same for here in michigan no help for the disabled or senoirs either, 18:30:53 From Jessica Rose to Everyone: Community Action Agencies are a really wonderful resource and do so much one on one real help. Programs to fix cars, rental assistance, housing counseling, displaced homemaker programs, advocacy, energy assistance, transportation. I love Tricap and I am betting Wiscap does a lot of life changing help as well. So that's really great to have Marlo here to share about it. 18:31:03 From Claudia Swaney to Hosts and panelists: people are dieing in their wheel chairs . in michigan . 18:31:10 From Robin Worl to Everyone: NOT enough help in Kenosha county WI 18:31:19 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: 1. Silver State Fair Housing Council https://www.ssfhc.org/about/events/ 2. Southwest Fair Housing Council https://swfhc.org/education-and-outreach-department 3. Fair Housing Council of Oregon https://fhco.org/events/ https://fhco.org/upcoming-courses/ 4. Fair Housing Center of West Michigan http://www.fhcwm.org/trainings http://www.fhcwm.org/lws 18:31:47 From Mary Ann Padua to Everyone: I'm trying to work with Olmstead to try to fit heat/gas (excel energy) into the Section 8 Voucher instead of the excel energy voucher, because after all the excel energy is taking in a lot of tax break and taking lots of money either way. 18:32:14 From Damon Blanchard to Everyone: if we had a week where no one went to work these billionaires would lose so much money, that would show them without us they have nothing 18:32:17 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Marlo Fields(Direct Message): so sorry about your throat Marlo! Please feel free to take it easy if you need it. I can improvise if needed! 18:32:20 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: 5. Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan. https://www.fairhousingdetroit.org/special-events 6.Fair Housing Center of Southwest Micigan https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_fVUPywxPQpiQ3M9McbgQ8g#/registration 7. Fair Housing Center for Rights and Research https://www.thehousingcenter.org/online-trainings/ 8. HUD Fair Housing https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/fair_housing_equal_opp/accessibility_first_training_calendar 9. University of Minnesota Extension https://extension.umn.edu/courses-and-events/renter-101-online-course#:~:text=This%20is%20a%20free%20online,you%20need%20to%20secure%20housing. 18:32:35 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: 10. Rent Smart Training Program University of Wisconsin Madison https://winnebago.extension.wisc.edu/hdr/rent-smart/ 11. Housing Stability Workshops https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEsc--pqjstHtB99u9K8yoN8ZxiII7fNkp0#/registration 12. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/eviction-prevention-workshop-for-tenants-tickets-518175435677?aff=ebdshpsearchautocomplete 13 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/office-of-the-tenant-advocate-eviction-prevention-class-april-tickets-602511125997?aff=ebdshpsearchautocomplete 14 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/renters-rights-101-virtual-april-tickets-602514455957?aff=ebdshpsearchautocomplete 15. Virginia Fair Housing Office https://www.dpor.virginia.gov/VFHO_Class_Schedule 16. NJ Department of Civil Rights https://www.njoag.gov/about/divisions-and-offices/division-on-civil-rights-home/education-and-training-unit/etu-trainings/ 18:33:58 From Karen Rhodes to Hosts and panelists: I am wondering if there is some kind of a database with LIHTC properties (especially), that age out, and their prices go up to market rate--if there is a database of how many have been displaced as a result of not having enough finances to keep paying the market rate rents...….and how many end up going homeless (and if that coincides somehow with the number of increased homeless). I know around here, the question was asked about who are the ones who leave this area, and there was no such data. So I am wondering if the same is happening on a national scale as to whether we have such numbers and if not, then why not? …..I am willing to bet that this failure to keep current with such statistics is a big reason for the reason why the jump in homelessness, the drastic decrease in affordable housing units, etc. ….Any takers out there for these questions? 18:34:02 From Gabby Ross to Everyone: Check out the Capitol Hill Day recap here: https://nlihc.org/resource/nlihc-hosts-first-hybrid-capitol-hill-day-0 18:34:22 From Claudia Swaney to Hosts and panelists: we do not have the housing we need . here in michigan , we get budget cuts in Washington DC.. when they have to balnce the budget . 18:34:27 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: Tenants need education and training. So many evictions and infractions are occurring. Clearwater Housing Authority list of evictions of 2022 and 2023 only one tenant filed an answer to the court. Tenants need to get involved to self advocate for themselves. 18:35:03 From Mary Ann Padua to Everyone: Yes being present at the State Capitol Hill is very important because they want to know what numbers are very serious about housing/ 18:35:34 From Claudia Swaney to Hosts and panelists: CB i live in southeast side of Michigan . 18:36:17 From Karen Rhodes to Everyone: No homelessness is not a crime. But unfortunately at these homeless encampments, there are rat problems (one in particular that I am familiar with). If you let the rats take over, there will end up being another national public health issue. 18:36:26 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Everyone: @Karen: We do work with the Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation on the Housing Preservation Database. You can view the data here: https://preservationdatabase.org/reports/preservation-profiles/ 18:36:47 From Karen Garrett to Hosts and panelists: Can we please get a list of all these resources with the recordings of this webinar. Thanks, Karen G (she/her) - I would like to share with our staff and volunteers- Detroit, MI 18:36:49 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Hosts and panelists: Hello Marlo - you'll have one minute to close out your segment. Thank you! 18:37:41 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Everyone: @Karen G: Yes! We send a recap out on Friday in NLIHC's "The Connection" email 18:37:58 From Karen Garrett to Hosts and panelists: Thanks much 18:38:01 From John Leary to Everyone: Hey Kevin. Thank you for your advocacy and organization skill set. Your surviving the no cause eviction scenarios helped you to become a catalyst in diminishing the corruption being advocated by developers, landlords, property managers, government agencies and others who need to possibly loose their business licenses, participate in community service, and repay some of the money earned through fraudulent measures. 18:38:23 From Barbara Wittkopf to Everyone: Matthew Desmond addressed Milwaukee in Eviction. 18:38:27 From Jessica Rose to Everyone: USDA Direct Home Loans are an very under utilized resource for those who are without safe and sanitary housing. 18:39:26 From Donna Banks to Hosts and panelists: Hello I’m in Cleveland Ohio it’s affecting us on section 8 plus they want us to pay water and sewage to low income people 18:40:28 From Mary Ann Padua to Everyone: I was homeless soon after my car accident that I did not cause, & I ended up having a traumatic brain injury and now I'm permanently disable. and I'm a Vulnerable Adult. 18:40:33 From Karen Rhodes to Hosts and panelists: I have always been curious in reading up on or researching about the comparisons/similarities/differences between today's homeless encampments and the hoovervilles of years around the Great Depression--as well as what the economic situation was for the country then, versus now. 18:41:59 From Claudia Swaney to Hosts and panelists: Mary . contact your local Brain injury associaton . I have a brain injury too Claudia . chapter reps. 18:42:11 From Mrs. B to Hosts and panelists: Sid, I'm back w/o audio echos 18:42:12 From Donna Banks to Hosts and panelists: I was homeless and found a home that looked nice but I have a lazy landlord who does no repairs and I found the house was and is infested with mice and nothing happened still 18:43:17 From Claudia Swaney to Hosts and panelists: Mary what state do you live in,. Check out BIAA.ORG. 18:43:17 From Karen Rhodes to Hosts and panelists: It is very difficult to find an attorney who is knowledgeable and/or passionate about anything about affordable housing, especially where and when it comes to LIHTC housing. Since the feds hand monies to the states to handle LIHTC properties, the waters become muddied and it takes a really skilled fair housing attorney to sort through this. 18:43:48 From Andrea Moore to Everyone: I am a non-tenant organizer in Illinois. I have been threatened, evicted, arrested...in response to my efforts to organize tenant effected by HUD RAD conversions. I have been arrested (Nov 1, 2022 & March 15, 2023). My public defender is not an option, if I want to prove my innocence. 18:44:30 From Mrs. B to Hosts and panelists: Sid, can you change my status to panelist 18:46:01 From Andrea Moore to Everyone: The activities Kevin has made me homeless and a "criminal" 18:46:38 From Gabby Ross to Everyone: lol Tina! 18:46:57 From Karen Rhodes to Everyone: I have discovered that the properties where tenants get arrested for organizing and the like have been LIHTC properties for the most part. 18:48:24 From Robin Worl to Everyone: LIHTC are a free for all ,The Fox is guarding the Hen House.HUD needs to directly be in charge of LIHTC instead of 3 rd parties!! 18:48:33 From John Leary to Everyone: Andrea Moore >>> please contact your local council person, the local chamber of commerce, and possibly a church organization to listen to your concerns and offer you some guidance and ability to change your situation. 18:48:38 From Mary Ann Padua to Everyone: Even advocating for someone else to get an emergency housing because she was scared to go back to her appartment 80 years old (was raped) the cop actually told me I shouldn't be advocating for her because the county will have a hard time help". 18:49:15 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: Austin, TX has a very strong network for issues impacting our client community, wish we could all learn their secrets! 18:49:32 From Karen Rhodes to Hosts and panelists: It bothers me that tenants at LIHTC properties especially, are not in the know about their STATES being responsible for the financing, paying the remaining rents to landlords, and not HUD directly. It bothers me that with this Fair Housing law being watered down like this, that tenants don't realize that at LIHTC properties, they do not have the same fair housing rights that they would have and did have at public housing properties where the states were not involved, but HUD was involved. 18:49:46 From Barbara Wittkopf to Everyone: To both, what funds did you get from your cities or state to get started? From which state or metro agency? 18:50:03 From Duaa-Rahemaah Williams to Everyone: You build strength when its more relational than transactional, you offer trainings that empower them , leadership skills, the story of self, movement building, the history of housing, and celebrating members and the smallest of victories, compensation is always a plus . These are some of the things we do in Washington 18:50:46 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: πŸ‘ 18:51:24 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: It's Fair Housing month. Please take advantage of free training 18:51:38 From Ben Iness to Hosts and panelists: Thank you for all the extensive resources, Christopher. 18:52:22 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: Tenants need training before organizing it can cost you retaliation, eviction and harassment. 18:52:46 From Jessica Rose to Everyone: If anyone has a chance to sit in on a fair housing training that is specifically for landlords, do it. I have been to a couple and it is really different. Very us against them. It's educational alright. 18:52:56 From Karen Rhodes to Hosts and panelists: I know with my situation a few years ago at a LIHTC property I was priced out of, I spent three years on a very long and arduous uphill battle trying to break through the layers of secrecy at that state's Housing Dept where it comes to their management of LIHTC properties. Each LIHTC property has a Covenant Agreement that should be on file at the local courthouse. I looked at my particular covenant agreement. When I started pointing out certain parts of that original covenant agreement, suddenly they changed the covenant agreement to do things their way. 18:53:32 From Gabby Ross to Everyone: Become a member today :) https://nlihc.org/membership 18:53:38 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: Crystal Lewis, Rachel Williams, Tracy Grant and others were tenant leaders and they were all evicted. When I was in public housing during a space everyone on the tenant council was evicted. Many of these people do not have training and education. 18:53:43 From Mary Ann Padua to Everyone: That's the main reason why I'm here to listen to everyone's working coalition and both of you are wonderful guest speakers with your experiences and education and professionalism. 18:54:04 From John Leary to Everyone: Low Income folks probably have abilities and unrecognized talent and quite possibly the missing pieces of the puzzle to stop the various entities from continuing their malicious and destructive behaviors. 18:54:24 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: Tenants should go to real estate school, become a notary of the public, and go to an affordable para legal school. 18:54:26 From Karen Rhodes to Hosts and panelists: Knowing what I know about LIHTC rules (as LIHTC housing is the majority of affordable housing today), I am deathly scared to form any kind of a tenant's organization. 18:54:31 From Robin Worl to Everyone: πŸ‘ 18:54:34 From Andrea Moore to Everyone: @John Leary I have communicated with more officials/ leaders (including a senator). The more I consult the more I am harmed. residents who have committed to organizing are also being threatened 18:55:05 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: https://blackstone.edu/online-paralegal-diploma-program/ 18:55:09 From Mary Ann Padua to Everyone: I wish we could change the policy about the legal aid when people become homeless, that's the time they need them the most. 18:55:15 From Jessica Rose to Everyone: what does it take to be a housing association hearing officer? can tenants do that? 18:55:23 From Karen Rhodes to Everyone: The ones who get in trouble for organizing, are more likely the ones who are unfortunately living at LIHTC properties. 18:55:27 From Andrea Moore to Everyone: Being in criminal court gives people the right to say they cant provide legal advise 18:55:31 From Gabby Ross to Everyone: Thank you Mrs B! 18:55:47 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: πŸ‘πŸ‘ 18:55:49 From Gabby Ross to Everyone: National Alliance of HUD Tenants (NAHT): https://www.saveourhomes.org/ 18:55:58 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/program-information-session-paralegal-and-legal-administrative-assistant-tickets-507924575077?aff=erelexpmlt&keep_tld=1 18:56:02 From Jessica Rose to Everyone: This is a really great thing you guys are doing here. Thank you. 18:56:21 From April Burns-Norris to Everyone: I hope this will be shared. I had to take a call, but this is great information in the chat! 18:56:23 From Jessica Rose to Everyone: oh cool thanks for the links christopher 18:56:34 From Andrea Moore to Everyone: I have filed complaints w HUD (Washington), the mayor, OIG, Office of Human Rights... 18:57:58 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: https://www.eventbrite.com/d/online/free--events/fair-housing/?page=1 18:58:14 From Karen Rhodes to Hosts and panelists: Sid--I would like to know more about the situations where people get in trouble for forming tenant groups of any kind--and whether those problems are at privately owned housing, or at LIHTC properties or at Public housing. If you research this angle out to its end, I think you might be able to start getting some answers. 18:58:47 From Mary Ann Padua to Everyone: I'm also trying to change the policy about the "Volunteer's Human Rights" in The United States of America. 18:58:58 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: https://www.groupon.com/browse/tampa-bay-area?lat=27.981&lng=-82.451&query=real+estate&address=Tampa+Bay+Area&division=tampa-bay-area&locale=en_US 18:59:21 From John Leary to Everyone: Hi Andrea Moore. Can you visit your local church and meet with the pastor or church leader to offer prayers. A lot of church members might be in postions to help you effectively. The Lord wants you to ask for help and the members are available to help. 18:59:57 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: Become a licensed real estate sales association , community association manager, community apartment manager, notary of the public and notary signing agent and take renter rights and fair housing training classes and courses 19:00:06 From Kevin Cronin to Hosts and panelists: I'm happy to chat with anyone on this call. Send me an email - eugenetenantalliance@gmail.com 19:00:11 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: Faxzero.com is a great resource 19:00:19 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: Eventbrite.com is a great resource 19:00:40 From Andrea Moore to Everyone: Several of the PHA's commissioners are affiliated with churches (literally a pastor and a pastor wife) 19:00:44 From Marlo Fields to Everyone: Same! happy to chat - mfields@wiscap.org 19:01:09 From Andrea Moore to Everyone: I have given public comment in their meetings. I was laughed at.. 19:01:18 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: HUD Free Training https://www.hudexchange.info/trainings/upcoming/ 19:01:41 From Karen Rhodes to Hosts and panelists: Tenants at LIHTC properties do not have the ability to exercise the same fair housing rights that they did in public housing due to the states being given the money to run the LIHTC poperties. 19:02:31 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: Citizen Universities and Leadership classes are sometimes offered through the city and county. 19:02:36 From Andrea Moore to Everyone: I would like to utilize the tenant participation funding to cover cost. I am disabled, homeless, with two children 19:02:42 From April Burns-Norris to Everyone: this is great information! I should have gone to my elected official when I experienced a similar retaliatory eviction 19:02:47 From Marlo Fields to Everyone: Never forget legislatures work for YOU! 19:03:00 From Carleone to Everyone: Faces of HUD Housing Help Us Help You mini housing clinic tonight on zoom @ 8pm est meeting I.D. #822 9027 1770 Passcode 855892 join our Facebook group @ facebook.com/groups/415895081886606 19:03:09 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rentals-the-use-of-criminal-records-advocacy-4-all-tickets-619411575697?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch 19:03:39 From Marsh Santoro to Everyone: Another Great Webinar, Thank you 19:03:57 From Damon Blanchard to Everyone: Thanks for speaking 19:04:06 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: The religious community needs to get involved to help low income people and families. We need more food banks, soup kitchens, clothing closets, job bank centers, and advocacy assistance for people. 19:04:07 From Karen Garrett to Everyone: Thank you - yes keep fighting and remind politicians who they are and who we are - we did and still are! But it is working!!1 And stories help! 19:04:09 From April Burns-Norris to Everyone: ❀️ 19:04:10 From vee sanchez to Hosts and panelists: YES MARLO!! 19:04:21 From Claudia Swaney to Hosts and panelists: no home = no votes. 19:05:00 From Gabby Ross to Everyone: period 19:05:08 From Mary Ann Padua to Everyone: That's wonderful Mrs. B. that's the reason why I have to change the "Volunteer Human Rights" because of the Equity Advocacy Committee in Minnesota...I was fired via dissemination of News letter without just cause as appointed 19:05:15 From Marlo Fields to Everyone: SOLIDARITY! 19:05:16 From John Leary to Everyone: Marlo, Thanks for your advice and recommending that everyone be a person in charge. 19:05:19 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: Learn the laws, rules and statues and get training and self advocate for yourself. If people choose not to organize they should organize themselves and self advocate for themselves. 19:05:25 From Gabby Ross to Everyone: E-mail Sid at sbetancourt@nlihc.org 19:05:28 From AJ Jelks to Hosts and panelists: Thank you 19:05:29 From Duaa-Rahemaah Williams to Everyone: Great conversation 19:05:34 From Brian Horne to Hosts and panelists: Thank you! 19:05:35 From Lawannah B to Hosts and panelists: Thank you for sharing today, I am from Chicago 19:05:37 From Carleone to Everyone: thank you NLIHC, NAHT and presenters! 19:05:43 From Sue Luke to Hosts and panelists: Thanks Kevin and Marlo! 19:05:43 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: Thank you 19:05:44 From Rebekah Love to Everyone: thank you so much! you're inspiring :) 19:05:51 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: Great presentation - thanks everyone!! 19:05:56 From Mary Ann Padua to Everyone: Thank You. 19:05:59 From Robin Worl to Everyone: Thk you from Wisconsin 19:06:00 From rich c to Everyone: may 01 is may day 19:06:01 From Danielle Walker to Everyone: yesssssss 19:06:11 From Mary Ann Padua to Everyone: Thank You Sid. 19:06:17 From Gabby Ross to Everyone: Join the Tenant Talk FB page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TenantTalk 19:06:35 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: https://www.hud.gov/press/press_releases_media_advisories/HUD_No_23_076 19:06:36 From Gabby Ross to Everyone: E-mail NLIHC at outreach@nlihc.org 19:06:50 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Here's to 'Good Trouble' βœŠπŸ“£ 19:06:53 From Gabby Ross to Everyone: thanks everyone! 19:06:54 From Ben Iness to Everyone: Thank you! 19:06:57 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: Thank you 19:07:03 From vee sanchez to Hosts and panelists: Thank you all! 19:07:05 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: Love Good Trouble!!!