18:00:53 From Chris Alexander to Everyone: Sonoma County, California 18:00:55 From AJ Jelks to Everyone: Racine, WI 18:00:57 From annabelle campbell to Everyone: Joining from Palm Beach County Florida 18:00:59 From Tina Dickenson to Everyone: Atlanta, GA 18:01:02 From khylee brinson to Everyone: salt lake city, utah 18:01:05 From Brooke Schipporeit to Everyone: Welcome everyone! My name is Brooke Schipporeit with NLIHC - I'm joining from Washington, DC 18:01:13 From Katherine Jara to Everyone: Venice Community Housing 18:01:24 From Bibi Rhodes to Everyone: Greetings, all. Bibi from Clearwater, Florida. 18:01:25 From Claudia swaney to Everyone: claudia swaney /michigan .oakland co. 18:01:28 From Ken Williamson to Everyone: Ken Williamson from COHHIO. 18:01:30 From Marsh Santoro to Everyone: Marsh Santoro, Tenant Leader, Fairview, Oregon 18:01:30 From Nzingha Masani-Manuel to Everyone: Evening Greetings to you & all housing advocates- Detroit Affordable Housing & Homelessness Task Force. 18:01:38 From Jan Kay to Everyone: jan kay ... lwvil.. social policies work 18:01:39 From Mary Brown to Everyone: Mary E. Brown, Madison, Wi 18:02:29 From regina pursley to Everyone: Regina Pursley Soteria of TCN Bellefontaine Ohio 18:02:43 From Mrs Brown to Everyone: Greetings from Santa Barbara, Mrs B 18:02:49 From Nzingha Masani-Manuel to Everyone: YES!!! N-zin-Ga😁 18:03:10 From Monica Delancy to Everyone: Monica DeLancy Cobb county metro Atlanta area 18:03:50 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: Jennifer Mohawk from LSLA in Houston 18:04:05 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: Good evening, Saint Petersburg Florida 18:04:48 From Ramona Ferreyra to Everyone: Hi, I'm an AI assistant helping Save Section 9 take notes for this meeting. Follow along the transcript here: https://otter.ai/u/ywSrLNkAxXDZD0iCEugJnA4lHQc?utm_source=va_chat_link_1 You'll also be able to see screenshots of key moments, add highlights, comments, or action items to anything being said, and get an automatic summary after the meeting. 18:05:15 From Brooke Schipporeit (NLIHC) to Everyone: Sign up for NLIHC emails here: https://tinyurl.com/35n79dwb 18:05:17 From Linda Soderstrom to Everyone: Linda S, Winona MN, hey Sid 18:06:25 From Brooke Schipporeit (NLIHC) to Everyone: E-mail Sid at: sbetancourt@nlihc.org 18:07:13 From Brooke Schipporeit (NLIHC) to Everyone: Download digital and audio versions of Tenant Talk here: https://nlihc.org/explore-issues/publications-research/tenant-talk/tenant-talk-volume-14-issue-2 18:07:57 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Everyone: Replying to "Linda S, Winona MN, ..." Hi Linda! 18:10:18 From Karla Graham to Everyone: Karla Graham, DFW, TX NLIHC, Member Inclusive Communities Project (ICP) Client Advisory Board, Volunteer 18:11:28 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Is this why they designate "pre-elderly", for planning purposes? 18:12:00 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Everyone: https://www.urban.org/research/publication/future-headship-and-homeownership 18:12:24 From lauren Baker to Everyone: Carolyn Ford (CHW) /Disability Network of Eastern Michigan cford@dnemichigan.org 18:13:07 From Patti Prunhuber to Everyone: For older adults experiencing homelessness, or formerly incarcerated older adults, the reason that we use 50+is because their gerontological age is 15-20 years older than their chronological age. 18:13:19 From Maria Griego to Everyone: Maria Griego New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty 18:13:25 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Reacted to "For older adults exp..." with 😔 18:14:14 From Coach Ron to Everyone: Amen to that joyfully Coach Ron joyfully with LA RUN email address skidrow.ca@gmail.com 🙏 18:15:00 From Melody Bassett to Everyone: Melody Bassett, Lone Star Legal Aid; Tyler, Texas 18:15:05 From Agustin Margary Lamurey to Everyone: Agustin Margary-Lamurey - President of the Cypress Cathedral Apartments Tenants Association in Winter Haven, FL 18:15:09 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Replying to "For older adults exp..." We know this can also be impacted by zip codes. People literally die 20 years sooner from one side of town to the other 18:15:36 From samatha anderson to Everyone: Don’t older adults get more than social supplemental income of the $914 a month? 18:16:25 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Replying to "Don’t older adults g..." Depends how many work credits you have, if you became disabled before your "retirement age" 18:16:35 From Linda Soderstrom to Everyone: Worst case??? Those are bad choices of language by HUD. 18:16:37 From Ramona Ferreyra to Everyone: Hi, I'm an AI assistant helping Save Section 9 take notes for this meeting. Follow along the transcript here: https://otter.ai/u/ywSrLNkAxXDZD0iCEugJnA4lHQc?utm_source=va_chat_link_2 You'll also be able to see screenshots of key moments, add highlights, comments, or action items to anything being said, and get an automatic summary after the meeting. 18:16:45 From samatha anderson to Everyone: Replying to "Don’t older adults g…" Okay thanks 18:17:28 From Linda Soderstrom to Everyone: Why not *complex needs* or high needs even 18:17:58 From samatha anderson to Everyone: Will this be due to larger amounts of middle aged individuals currently disabled? 18:17:58 From Worl Robin to Everyone: LIHTC needs much more monitoring 18:18:23 From Patti Prunhuber to Everyone: Replying to "Don’t older adults g..." Not necessarily. Those who rely solely on SSI get the federal SSI and whatever state supplement is paid out. And the average amount of income that retirees on Social Security (those who have enough of an earnings record to qualify for SSDI) get about $1,700/month 18:19:15 From samatha anderson to Everyone: Replying to "Don’t older adults g…" Okay thank you that is what I had thought with the #’s. 18:19:43 From Nicole J to Everyone: I'm disabled receiving $1,351 a month paying $900 in rent & facing imminent homelessness. Because landlords require 3 & 4x the income per rent. HUD simply isn't enough. Blighted properties must be rehabbed specifically for disabled people. With rents that our incomes can afford. 18:19:54 From Agustin Margary Lamurey to Everyone: So far disappointed. I already knew the need but quoting statistics is not giving me the knowledge I need about Section 202 functioning, especially regarding residents activities 18:19:55 From Mrs Brown to Everyone: Housing insecurity has increased for seniors. Many are residing in shelters which is not setup for the ederly 18:19:59 From Linda Soderstrom to Everyone: Replying to "Don’t older adults g..." 914$ if elderly left in SSI because not enuf quarters 18:20:53 From samatha anderson to Everyone: Replying to "Don’t older adults g…" So is the increase she report is talking about is larger part you think to those currently homeless, younger people being more disabled category. Specifically towards those not working or without the work credts 18:21:06 From samatha anderson to Everyone: Replying to "Don’t older adults g…" She. = the 18:21:40 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: Mustafa.X.Gurbuz@hud.gov Thematic Session: Strengthening Public Housing for the Future 18:22:24 From Tamara Zwinak to Everyone: Tamara Zwinak North Carolina 18:22:25 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: Agenda 3:00pm -3:45pm:  Resident Engagement (Continued discussion from 8/23 Meeting) Co-Facilitators:  Kymian Ray (HUD) and Ramona Ferreyra (PH/NYCHA Resident, Save Section 9) 3:45pm – 4:15pm: Site and Neighborhood Standards (See attached—updated)  Co-Facilitators:  Tess Mullen (HUD) and Ramona Ferreyra (PH/NYCHA Resident, Save Section 9) 4:15pm – 4:30pm: Next Steps Marianne Nazzaro (HUD)   18:22:29 From annabelle campbell to Everyone: I am working on a housing study with Florida Atlantic University. One of our main findings at the moment is local landlords refusing to rent to those receiving emergency rental assistance or other forms of subsidization. Currently no laws in place to prevent this and high demand in South Florida is leading to massive replacement and influx of higher income tenants while those who qualify for assistance or already have it are being refused accomodations 18:22:52 From Linda Soderstrom to Everyone: Buying a home with section 8 voucher is also possible 18:22:56 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: https://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/quickfacts/stat_snapshot/ 18:23:03 From Agustin Margary Lamurey to Everyone: So far disappointed. Was expecting less statistics, The need for 202 housing is known. Was expecting more practical information. 18:24:02 From Nicole J to Everyone: In CT supportive housing programs are only available to homeless people. There are no homeless prevention programs that actually advocate for older adults to secure safe housing & prevent them from becoming homeless. It's heartbreaking. 18:24:28 From samatha anderson to Everyone: Only if the PJ’s meet HUD requirements to administer a home ownership program on their own. Other wise most PJ’s generally uses the voucher instead switching to dollar amounts 18:24:44 From Nicole J to Everyone: Reacted to "Only if the PJ’s mee..." with 👍 18:25:12 From MS. Missy to Everyone: HI, WILL WE GET A COPY OF THIS VIDEO ? SUBSIDIZED HOUSING IS COST BURDENED. PRICE FIXING AND HIGH UTILITY COSTS ARE A BURDEN AND KILLS SENIORS SUBSIDIZED RENTS ARE UNSUSTAINABLE ACCORDING TO A EXPERT WHO TESTIFIED AT A RENT . CONTROL HEARING. SENIOR HOMELESSNESS IS AN EPIDEMIC AND THEY ARE MADE HOMELESS ARE MADE CHRONICLY HOMELESS. SHELTER PRISIONS MAKE PEOPLE CRONICALLY HOMELESS AND ARE NOT EQUPPED FOR SENIORS. SECTION 8 LETS SLUM LANDLORDS STEAL VOUCHER HOLDERS VOUCHERS THREW RETALITATITORY EVICTIOONS BY REFUSING TO COMPLY WITH INSPECTIONS AND REFUSING TO KEEP THEIR PROPERTY UP TO HUD STANDARDS. SECTION 8 AND HUD WILL MAKE VOUCHER HOLDERS HOMELESS AND KEEP THE SLUM LORDS IN THE PROGRAM. SECTION 8 DOES NOT PROVIDE MOVING ASSISTANCE AND A HOUSING LOCATOR BY LAW FOR FORCED MOVES. PEOPLE HAVE TO BE ABLE TO AFFORD A LAWYER TO FIGHT THE GOVERNMENT TO GET THEIR SSI BENEFITS AFTER PYAING THE HIGHEST TAKES. SSI INCOME MAKES DISABLE PEOPLE HOMELESS. 18:25:12 From samatha anderson to Everyone: And administer in a matching program type basis 18:25:31 From Linda Soderstrom to Everyone: On my voucher I pay $339. for a $975. fair market unit. My SSI is $904. 18:26:02 From Linda Soderstrom to Everyone: Income $10,800. 18:26:15 From Tamara Zwinak to Everyone: HUD Voucher Programs are only a fraction of the senior population. How are we helping everyone 18:26:45 From Jan Kay to Everyone: Wonder if people leaving their messages in the Chat could please not enter such since it is SO INTERRUPTING ! 18:26:45 From samatha anderson to Everyone: A public housing development assigns vouchers to the units not the residents. Thus making home ownership harder 18:26:50 From Linda Soderstrom to Everyone: We need universal vouchers. 18:26:57 From annabelle campbell to Everyone: Reacted to "We need universal vo..." with 👏 18:27:29 From MS. Missy to Everyone: WHEN THEIR INCOME GOES DOWN THEIR RENT DOESN'T AUTOMATICALLY GO DOWN WHICH CAN LEAD TO HOMELESSNESS. 18:27:31 From Tamara Zwinak to Everyone: Remember senior taxpayers have to pay for Vouchers lowering their income 18:27:40 From Agustin Margary Lamurey to Everyone: How can we tenants access the waiting list (guaranteeing the privacy of applicants) to avoid favoritism by residential managers? 18:27:53 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Replying to "On my voucher I pay ..." Are they deducting your medical expenses? One bonus of elderly/disabled 18:28:03 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Reacted to "We need universal vo..." with 👏 18:28:12 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Everyone: Reacted to "We need universal vo..." with 👏 18:28:12 From Tamara Zwinak to Everyone: We need to raise the income qualifications to ensure every senior has a home. 18:28:21 From 小陸 LOH-micron to Everyone: Replying to "Worst case??? Thos..." Sorry, there's NO Good Choices in English HUD can use in its wording since None of the Choices give people any Choice to begin with! 18:28:42 From Jan Kay to Everyone: Please wait for your answers until the leader opens up the discussion following her agenda given. 18:28:45 From Patti Prunhuber to Everyone: Replying to "On my voucher I pay ..." Might want to mention immigration status restrictions for the various types of HUD and non-HUD housing programs. 18:28:46 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Replying to "Wonder if people lea..." You can turn the chat off 18:29:00 From Nicole J to Everyone: Replying to "Only if the PJ’s mee..." The home owner ship program in CT is a joke. We aren't allowed to use more than 45% of our incomes towards a mortgage. I'm like how could a lender not think someone on a fixed income isn't going to use more than 45% of income. While paying 90% of income on rent?? They should have a lender that has specially designed mortgage programs & more government money / forgivable loans to actually make 1st time home ownership a reality. 18:29:08 From Linda Soderstrom to Everyone: Arduous 18:29:28 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Reacted to "Might want to mentio..." with 👏 18:29:57 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Reacted to "The home owner ship ..." with 👏 18:30:23 From Coach Ron to Everyone: Amen to that 18:30:25 From samatha anderson to Everyone: Some public housing pj’s do have many 10 year minimum for a public housing residents to than get other options to possibly gain homeownership way back in the old days 18:32:16 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Replying to "On my voucher I pay ..." In a 30% voucher system it would be only 271 less any utility allowances and medical deductions 18:32:17 From samatha anderson to Everyone: They are administered through state housing financing commission 18:32:50 From Tamara Zwinak to Everyone: LIHTC accepts HUD Vouchers 18:33:51 From Linda Soderstrom to Everyone: Replying to "On my voucher I pay ..." Agree, it's S8HCV in lihtc 18:33:57 From Tamara Zwinak to Everyone: 2 Bedroom 695 18:34:05 From Linda Soderstrom to Everyone: Reacted to "2 Bedroom 695" with 🎯 18:34:22 From CJ OHara to Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)(Direct Message): AMI often does not count lower income or no income residents in the local calculation which artificially drives the cost of the AMI to be higher than it should. 18:34:23 From samatha anderson to Everyone: Where is the presenter who is talking? 18:34:31 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Reacted to "Agree, it's S8HCV in..." with 👍 18:35:14 From Brooke Schipporeit (NLIHC) to Everyone: Samantha - Linda Couch with the box highlighted is speaking; she will turn her camera back on when it's time for questions. 18:35:32 From samatha anderson to Everyone: Reacted to "Samantha - Linda Cou…" with 👍 18:35:49 From Linda Soderstrom to Everyone: Replying to "On my voucher I pay ..." Medical must exceed $200/mo to be regarded in MN. 18:35:58 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Reacted to "Medical must exceed ..." with 😲 18:36:13 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: Reacted to "We know this can als..." with 👍🏽 18:36:46 From Linda Soderstrom to Everyone: *Aging gracefully in place* LoL 18:36:59 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Reacted to "*Aging gracefully in..." with 😂 18:37:08 From Linda Soderstrom to Everyone: Reacted to "*Aging gracefully in..." with 💜 18:37:22 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: Reacted to "*Aging gracefully in..." with 😂 18:37:25 From Claudia swaney to Everyone: Tamera, mine is 266.a month in my lihtc complex. 18:37:34 From samatha anderson to Everyone: Do services providers require an office to separate work from home life correct? [does HUD regulations around this?] 18:37:41 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Everyone: https://resources.hud.gov/# 18:38:08 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: Everyone - thank you, I'm learning a lot today! 18:38:35 From Linda Soderstrom to Everyone: Get a bedroom for sleep over help that doubles as office if helper is occasional 18:38:38 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Replying to "Do services provider..." Our leases prohibit any commercial activity. Maybe depends on the HA/agency/building? 18:39:16 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Reacted to "Get a bedroom for sl..." with ❤️ 18:39:32 From Nicole J to Everyone: The CT website is outdated many places no longer exist. If they do, they're not for elderly/ people. 18:39:54 From Agustin Margary Lamurey to Everyone: Reacted to "The CT website is ou..." with 👍 18:40:27 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Reacted to "The CT website is ou..." with 😔 18:40:41 From Jacquelyn Frazier-Lyde to Everyone: Wonderful wow thank you for this information !!! l plan to share information with judicial colleagues, legal counsel, court personnel, court litigants and general public at court house in efforts to minimize poverty and homelessness related crime via access to resources. You are invited to send info to jacquelyn.frazier-lyde@courts.phila.gov 18:40:51 From Monica Delancy to Everyone: Great job 18:41:06 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Reacted to "Wonderful wow thank ..." with ❤️ 18:41:14 From regina pursley to Everyone: If my lease is up and the landlord is slandering me with the new applications i am putting in. What can i do i am worried about losing my voucher. 18:41:40 From Nicole J to Everyone: Reacted to "If my lease is up an..." with 👏 18:41:51 From Tamara Zwinak to Everyone: Thank you for mentioning LIHTC 18:41:52 From Nicole J to Everyone: Replying to "If my lease is up an..." I'm facing the same thing. 18:42:04 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: I am not even 55 yet 🤣 18:42:16 From Linda Soderstrom to Everyone: Can she talk about no wrong door? (Approach). IE: everywhere you ask there are warm hand offs 18:42:25 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Reacted to "Can she talk about n..." with ❤️ 18:43:09 From Linda Soderstrom to Everyone: Replying to "If my lease is up an..." And prisons, and treatment, and DV survivors 18:43:40 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Reacted to "If my lease is up an..." with 😔 18:43:46 From michai freeman to Everyone: What is the racial breakdown for individuals accessing supportive and modified housing services? 18:44:02 From Tamara Zwinak to Everyone: Yes I know a person who get 1,200 ss a month and she has a voucher 18:44:31 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: For people with criminal convictions on record, is there anyone working on legislation to limit look backs in screening? I'm in TX, and the governor here issued an order that undid all the Ban the Box city laws & other local efforts. Thinking maybe an effort to enact federal law limiting lookbacks to 7 years? 18:44:33 From Tamara Zwinak to Everyone: Favoritism is a big problem here in our small town 18:45:01 From Marianne Lim to Everyone: The info on this webinar included: The U.S. House of Representatives’ fiscal year (FY) 2024 budget bill would only include $913 million for Section 202, which would result in cuts of as much as $162 million over 2023-enacted levels and lead many older adults to lose their housing assistance, putting them at higher risk of housing instability, eviction, and in some cases homelessness. If tAppropriations ends up being less than 2023, how will HUD decide which existing projects in the program get funded? 18:45:19 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Reacted to "Favoritism is a big ..." with 😔 18:45:26 From Linda Soderstrom to Everyone: Marianne, thank U 18:45:33 From Nicole J to Everyone: I had to file a discrimination complaint with chro in CT because HUD refused to act. 18:46:25 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Replying to "Yes I know a person ..." Our cutoff is 80% AMI 18:47:00 From Tamara Zwinak to Everyone: Why does HUD pay for a two bedroom for single people? Shouldn't it be a one bedroom to make sure families and couples have access to two bedrooms 18:47:21 From Anju Chopra to Everyone: Is there any intelligence that suggests there are Senators who are willing to reduce the funding to conform with the House levels? 18:47:56 From Tamara Zwinak to Everyone: How can we find out how many vouchers are in my county? 18:48:00 From Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they) to Everyone: Reacted to "If my lease is up an..." with 😔 18:48:11 From Patti Prunhuber to Everyone: Replying to "For people with crim..." HUD has issued guidance on removing unnecessary barriers to housing for people with criminal records: https://www.hud.gov/press/press_releases_media_advisories/hud_no_23_083. they are currently considering regulations. They have already issued guidance saying that a rule that categorically excludes all people with criminal records, without considering the length of time since the conviction, any mitigating circumstances, could violate the Fair Housing Act because of its disparate impact on African American and other BIPOC people. 18:48:21 From ric* to Everyone: but don't underestimate the meanness of the sedition caucus.. 18:48:36 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Replying to "Why does HUD pay for..." They would usually have to be grandfathered in or get some sort of accessibility waiver, ie because you have caregiver, excess medical equipment. Nowadays you need 1.5 people even to get a one bedroom in many places 18:49:06 From 小陸 LOH to Everyone: Sorry, in reality, All Doors Are WRONG Doors‼️ 18:49:18 From Venus Little to Everyone: Replying to "Why does HUD pay for..." Tamara, Im so glad you ask that question this a question that I have asked HUD and I have addressed this same issue HUD, because my management does it all the time. 18:49:55 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: Replying to "For people with crim..." Hey thanks! I knew about the guidance but not that the other - 18:50:14 From Chris Alexander to Everyone: In terms of "meltdown" of government - how might a government fiscal shutdown due to Republican brinksmanship affect homelessness assistance? 18:50:44 From Tamara Zwinak to Everyone: No there has always been one 18:51:05 From Venus Little to Everyone: so down size them when the units come available. 18:51:22 From regina pursley to Everyone: Reacted to "If my lease is up an..." with 😔 18:51:23 From regina pursley to Everyone: Removed a 😔 reaction from "If my lease is up an..." 18:51:53 From Linda Soderstrom to Everyone: Replying to "For people with crim..." If there's a live in helper and Elderly person dies, the personal care attendant should not be e-jected to homelessness 18:52:12 From Tamara Zwinak to Everyone: I asked about the singles renting two bedrooms and Excell Property Management said "we rent what is available." 18:52:45 From Chris Alexander to Everyone: Replying to "In terms of "meltdow..." Contingency plans and carryover - good ideas! 18:52:54 From Tamara Zwinak to Everyone: Please clarify the HUD policy for single people 18:53:27 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Reacted to "I asked about the si..." with 😲 18:54:20 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Many places you would need at least three people, over the age of 5 18:54:35 From Nicole J to Everyone: What do you do when HA has discriminated against you. You tried filing a complaint HUD & they refused to act making file with chro. After providing proof to CHRO investigation the HA admitted an error. So I had to withdraw my complaint. I had an interview in July & the HA rep re-requested bank statements she received in July. I have yet to get a response from the HA rep & I'm facing imminent homelessness in November. How do I deal with this? 18:56:16 From Tamara Zwinak to Everyone: With such a shortage of housing HUD should put singles in one bedroom. 18:56:45 From Tamara Zwinak to Everyone: I've seen people bumped up 18:57:01 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: Hello everyone, hope you’re doing very well! This is a calendar invitation for the thematic session on September 20th at 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm EST. (The full meeting agenda will be attached to this invitation later) Based on your feedback, the session will be a focused conversation on the following themes: (1) Site & Neighborhood Standards and (2) Resident Engagement (continued from our earlier session on August 23rd). We’ve prepared a document on Site & Neighborhood Standards to facilitate this conversation, please review the attached document before joining the meeting. This session will be co-facilitated with Ms. Ramona Ferreyra (Save Section 9) and HUD staff. You may forward this invitation to a couple other tenants or tenant groups that you think would add value to this discussion—ideally, tenants residing in public housing, in both urban and rural communities. If you’ve item suggestions that should be added to this meeting agenda, please contact Mustafa Gurbuz, Mustafa.x.gurbuz@hud.gov 18:57:40 From vee sanchez to Everyone: Reacted to "I had to file a disc..." with ☹️ 18:57:45 From Patti Prunhuber to Everyone: And sometimes your federal congressional rep is helpful 18:57:50 From Tamara Zwinak to Everyone: Can we have the speakers email so we can contact her 18:57:54 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Replying to "With such a shortage..." I would like to see policy changed so you don't have to be related or have a caregiver to be a household 18:58:03 From Brooke Schipporeit (NLIHC) to Everyone: You can sign up for NLIHC emails here to make sure you receive the recording: https://us4.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=e702259618becdc3f0451bd5d&id=e090383b5e 18:58:08 From vee sanchez to Everyone: Replying to "With such a shortage..." that would be amazing 18:58:09 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: Email Rachel Johnson for help 18:58:09 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: Rachel Johnson 18:58:15 From Chris Alexander to Everyone: 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 18:58:19 From Brooke Schipporeit (NLIHC) to Everyone: Thank you Linda!! 18:58:23 From ric* to Everyone: ciao ciao 18:58:25 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Reacted to "that would be amazin..." with ❤️ 18:58:25 From vee sanchez to Everyone: Reacted to "You can sign up for ..." with 💗 18:58:32 From vee sanchez to Everyone: Thank you! 18:58:32 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: Email Rachel Johnson 18:58:37 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: Rachel Johnson 18:58:38 From Monica Delancy to Everyone: Organize organize organize 18:58:40 From MS. Missy to Sid Betancourt, NLIHC (she/they)(Direct Message): THANKS. SO I AM PUTTING MY HAND DOWN. PLEASE EMAIL US CONTACT INFO. 18:58:43 From Kerri Hill to Everyone: Replying to "With such a shortage..." It could solve a lot of the housing shortages! 18:58:48 From Jacquelyn Frazier-Lyde to Everyone: Thank You !!! 18:58:49 From Brooke Schipporeit (NLIHC) to Everyone: E-mail Sid at sbetancourt@nlihc.org with questions or suggestions 18:58:56 From Christopher Benjamin to Everyone: Advocacy help 18:58:57 From ric* to Everyone: ✌🏽 18:59:02 From Mrs Brown to Everyone: Thank you, Linda Mrs. B 18:59:17 From vee sanchez to Everyone: for folks who might be in Missouri and are interested in building tenant power / organizing - you can reach out to me vee@empowermissouri,org 18:59:23 From Brooke Schipporeit (NLIHC) to Everyone: E-mail NLIHC at outreach@nlihc.org if you're interested in contributing to our blog 18:59:24 From lauren Baker to Everyone: Thank You! cford@dnemichigan.org 18:59:35 From Brooke Schipporeit (NLIHC) to Everyone: Join the Tenant Talk FB page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TenantTalk 18:59:35 From Marsh Santoro to Everyone: Thank you. 18:59:46 From Tamara Zwinak to Everyone: Amazing 18:59:54 From Linda Couch to Everyone: thank you, Sid!! 18:59:56 From Jennifer Mohawk to Everyone: 💖 18:59:59 From Dyvisha Gordon to Everyone: Thank you