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BALANCING PRIORITIES: Preservation and Neighborhood Opportunity in the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program Beyond Year 30 References Chetty, R. & Hendren, N. (2017). The Impact of Neighborhood Intergenerational Mobility II: County Level Estimates. Quarterly Journal of Economic, 133, 1163-1228. Chetty, R., Hendren, N., & Katz, L. (2016). The effects of exposure to better neighborhoods on children: New evidence from the Moving to Opportunity experiment. American Economic Review, 106 (4). Collignon, K. (1999). Expiring affordability of Low- Income Housing Tax Credit properties: The next era in preservation. Cambridge, MA: Neighborhood Reinvestment, Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies. Cunningham, M., Galvez, M, Aranda, C., Santos, R., Wissoker, D., Oneto, A., Pitingolo, R., & Crawford, J. (2018). A pilot study of landlord acceptance of Housing Choice Vouchers. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Of ce of Policy Development and Research. Retrieved from publications/pilot-study-landlord-acceptance-hcv- exec-summ.html. Deng, L. (2005). The cost-effectiveness of the low- income housing tax credit relative to vouchers: Evidence from six metropolitan areas. Housing Policy Debate, 16, 469-511. Ellen, I., Horn, K., & Kuai, Y. (2018). Gateway to opportunity? Disparities in neighborhood coditions among low-income housing tax credit residents. Housing Policy Debate. Retrieved from Ellen, I. (2017). What do we know about housing choice vouchers? New York, NY: NYU Furman Center. Retrieved from research/publication/what-do-we-know-about- housing-choice-vouchers. Finkel, M. & Buron, L. (2001). Study on section 8 voucher success rates. Volume I: Quantitative Studies of Success Rates in Metropolitan Areas. Cambridge, MA: Abt Associates, Inc. Finkel, M., Dastrup, S., Burnett, K., Alvarez, T., Climaco, C., & de Sousa, T. (2017). Small area fair market rent demonstration evaluation: Interim report. Washington, D.C.: Of ce of Policy Development and Research, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Retrieved from les/ pdf/SAFMR-Interim-Report.pdf. Finkel, M., Hanson, C., Hilton, R., Lam, K., & Vandawalker, M. (2006). Multifamily properties: Opting in, opting out and remaining affordable. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Of ce of Policy Development and Research. Fischer, W. & Sard, B. (2017). Chart book: Federal housing spending is poorly matched to need. Washington, DC: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Retrieved from research/housing/chart-book-federal-housing- spending-is-poorly-matched-to-need. Freeman, L. (2012). The impact of source of income laws on voucher utilization. Housing Policy Debate. Retrieved from 2011.648210. Galster, G. (1999). The evolving challenges of fair housing since 1968: Open housing, integration, and the reduction of ghettoization. Cityscape, 4(3), 123–138. General Accounting Of ce. (2002). Federal housing assistance: Comparing the characteristics and costs of housing programs. Washington, DC: Author. Goetz, E. (2018). Your “opportunity” map is broken. Here are some xes. Shelterforce. Retrieved from opportunity-map-is-broken-here-are-some- xes/. Graves, E. (2016). Rooms for improvement: A qualitative metasynthesis of the Housing Choice Voucher program. Housing Policy Debate, 26(2) 346-361. Khadduri, J., Cilmaco, C. & Burnett, K. (2012). What happens to Low-Income Housing Tax Credit properties at year 15 and beyond? Washington, D.C.: Of ce of Policy Development and Research, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Retrieved from https://www.huduser. gov/portal/publications/what_happens_lihtc_v2.pdf Khadduri, J., Burnett, K., & Rodda, D. (2003). Targeting housing production subsidies. Washington, D.C.: Of ce of Policy Development and Research, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Kincer, B. & Shelburne. M. (2017). Quali ed contract volume, policies vary widely by state. Tax Credit Advisor, July 2017. Lens, M. & Reina, V. (2016). Preserving neighborhood opportunity: Where federal housing subsidies expire. Housing Policy Debate, 26, 714- 732. NATIONAL LOW INCOME HOUSING COALITION AND THE PUBLIC AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING RESEARCH CORPORATION 22