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BALANCING PRIORITIES: Preservation and Neighborhood Opportunity in the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program Beyond Year 30 Ludwig, J., Duncan, G., Gennetian, L., Katz, L., Kessler, R., Kling, J., & Sanbonmatsu, L. (2012). Neighborhood effects on the long-term well-being of low-income adults. Science, 337, 1505-1510. McArdle, N, & Acevedo-Garcia, D. (2017). Consequences of segregation for children’s opportunity and well-being. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies. Retrieved from default/ les/a_shared_future_consequences_of_ segregation_for_children.pdf. McClure, K. (2006). The low‐income housing tax credit program goes mainstream and moves to the suburbs. Housing Policy Debate, 17, 419–446. McClure, K. (2005). Deciphering the need in housing markets: A technique to identify appropriate housing policies at the local level. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 24, 361-378. McClure, K. & Johnson, B. (2014). Housing programs fail to deliver on neighborhood quality, reexamined. Housing Policy Debate, 25(3), 463- 496. Metzger, M. (2014). The reconstruction of poverty: Patterns of Housing Choice Voucher use, 2000 to 2008. Housing Policy Debate, 24(3), 544-567. Meléndez, E., Schwartz, A., & Montrichard, A. (2008). Year 15 and preservation of tax- credit housing for low-income households: An assessment of risk. Housing Studies, 23(1), 67–87. Myhre, M. & Watson, N. (2017). Housing counseling works. Washington, D.C.: Of ce of Policy Development and Research, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. National Low Income Housing Coalition. (2018a). The gap: A shortage of affordable homes. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from http:// National Low Income Housing Coalition. (2018b). Low-Income Housing Tax Credits. Advocates’ guide 2018: A primer on federal affordable housing and community development programs. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from guides National Low Income Housing Coalition & Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation. (2018). National Housing Preservation Database \[Data File\]. Retrieved from https:// O’Regan, K. M. & Horn, K. M. (2013). What can we learn about the low-income housing tax credit program by looking at the tenants? Housing Policy Debate, 23, 597–613. Ray, A., Kim, J., Nguyen, D., & Choi, J. (2015). Opting in, opting out a decade later. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Of ce of Policy Development and Research. Reina, V., & Begley, J. (2014). Will they stay or will they go: Predicting subsidized housing opt-outs. Journal of Housing Economics, 23, 1–16. Reina, V. & Winter, B. (2016). Safety net? The utility of vouchers when a place-based subsidy ends. Retrieved from SSRN at sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2940015 Rohe, W. M., & Freeman, L. (2001). Assisted housing and residential segregation: The role of race and ethnicity in the siting of assisted housing developments. Journal of the American Planning Association, 67(3), 279-292. Schwartz, A. & Meléndez, E. (2008). After year 15: Challenges to the preservation of housing nanced with low-income housing tax credits. Housing Policy Debate, 19, 261–294. Turner, M. (2017). Beyond People Versus Place: A Places-Conscious Framework for Investing in Housing and Neighborhood’s. Housing Policy Debate, 27, 306-3140 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. (2017). Low-Income Housing Tax Credits \[Data le\]. Retrieved from https://www. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. (2018). Understanding whom the LIHTC program serves. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from publications/LIHTC-TenantReport-2015.html NATIONAL LOW INCOME HOUSING COALITION AND THE PUBLIC AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING RESEARCH CORPORATION 23