More than 2,000 Organizations Urge Increased Funding for THUD Programs

On March 7, the Campaign for Housing and Community Development Funding (CHCDF) will send a letter signed by more than 2,000 national, state and local organizations to Senate and House Appropriations Committee Chairs and Ranking Members urging them to increase the 302b funding allocation for the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (THUD) Subcommittee for FY17.

The letter states: “State and local governments, and the communities they serve, rely on the resources provided to [the Department of Transportation (DoT)] and HUD by the THUD bill to meet the most basic infrastructure needs of their communities. These infrastructure needs, including for transportation, community development, and affordable housing, exist in every community across the country. The provision of additional federal resources through tested, effective DoT and HUD programs will allow America’s neighborhoods to thrive and for the needs of more of our most vulnerable residents to be met. We urge you to make a strong THUD 302b allocation a top priority.”

The total amount that the two Appropriations Committees are permitted to spend each year is called the 302a allocation. The committees then decide how to divide the total among the 12 subcommittees. The amount for each subcommittee is called its 302b allocation.

CHCDF is a coalition of 70 national organizations working together toward the highest possible funding for housing, homeless, and community development programs. 

Read the letter here: