TAKE ACTION: Affordable Housing and Transportation Programs Threatened By Severe Cuts

Graphic: NLIHC Call To ActionUrge Congress to lift caps on federal spending that deprive families and communities of the resources they need to thrive.

Funding for affordable housing, community development, and transportation programs is under attack.

Last week, news broke that the Trump administration is preparing dramatic cuts to the federal budget to reduce spending by over $10 trillion over 10 years, while also promising to increase defense spending and cut taxes for wealthy Americans. This means that these budget cuts will largely fall on critical safety net and other essential programs, including affordable housing, community development, and transportation programs that help raise families out of poverty—programs that are already facing devastating cuts in the upcoming budget year because of the very low spending caps required by law.

Organizations and advocates concerned about transportation, housing, community development, and homelessness are working together to circulate a letter urging Congress to lift the harmful caps on federal spending and provide the highest level of funding possible for these programs in fiscal year (FY) 2018.

Please sign your organization on today! https://nlihc.wufoo.com/forms/urge-congress-lift-spending-caps-fund-thud-bill/


Congress should not balance the budget on the backs of low income families. With more households struggling to make ends meet—and our nation’s affordable housing and transportation infrastructure deteriorating—we cannot afford funding cuts to the very programs that sustain our communities and help families thrive.

The Department of Transportation and HUD help more than five million seniors, people with disabilities, and other families afford stable and safe housing, promote economic mobility, build critical transportation infrastructure, and spur economic development in our communities. Through these investments, we can reduce homelessness and housing instability, improve our nation’s infrastructure, and encourage economic growth and job creation.


Members of Congress need to hear from you! Join advocates around the country by signing a letter urging Congress to lift harmful spending caps and to provide the highest level of funding possible for affordable housing, community development, and transportation programs.

Please click here to sign your organization on to the letter.

To view the letter to Members of Congress, visit  http://nlihc.org/sites/default/files/CHCDF_FY18-Sequester-302b-Letter-011117.pdf .

Please share the letter and encourage organizations in your network to sign.

The deadline to sign the letter is March 31.

Questions/Comments? Please email [email protected] with any questions.

Thank you for your support!