Federal Budget and Housing Webinar

Federal Budget and AppropriationsJoin organizations from across the country on October 19 at 3pm ET, for a webinar on Spending Caps, Budget Negotiations, and the Impact on Housing and Community Development in Your Community. Offered as part of the Campaign for Housing and Community Development Funding’s (CHCDF) #CapsHurt Communities campaign, the webinar will report on the current state of budget negotiations and how sequester spending caps or a year-long CR would impact affordable housing, homeless, and community development programs. The webinar also will discuss how participants can engage with elected officials and local and national media by sharing the potential impacts of cuts on communities.

CHCDF is a coalition of more than 70 national housing, homeless, and community development organizations working together to secure robust funding for these programs.

To register for the webinar, click the “Register” button at, https://enterprisecommunity.webex.com/enterprisecommunity/onstage/g.php?MTID=e98ad3fc55909cbc2c57b4b1c16b86adf

To learn more about CHCDF’s Caps Hurt Communities campaign, go to: www.capshurtcommunities.org