Join NLIHC and the Campaign for Housing and Community Development Funding (CHCDF) for a national call-in day on April 26 to tell your members of Congress to pass final full spending bills for FY17 and protect affordable housing investments. Share any impacts you have on how the current budget uncertainty has hurt your community.
Lawmakers must pass spending bills by April 28 to avoid a government shutdown. Failure to pass full spending bills puts vital investments in affordable housing and community development at risk.
Sample Script:
Please work with your colleagues to pass a final spending bill for FY17 that protects affordable housing investments at HUD and USDA. These resources keep roofs over the heads of low income families, seniors, people with disabilities, and other vulnerable people. Affordable housing is a smart investment, leading to better health and education outcomes and boosting economic mobility and local economies. Our communities are stronger because of HUD and USDA investments. Please do not put these resources at risk by failing to pass full-year spending bills by the April 28 deadline.
To Contact your Members of Congress:
- Call the congressional switchboard toll free at 202-224-3121, or
- Visit NLIHC's website and enter your zip code in the Contact Congress box on the right.