September is NLIHC Membership Month

NLIHC Membership MonthSeptember marks Membership Month for NLIHC, which means it’s time to thank current NLIHC members and celebrate your successes as advocates. It is also a time to recruit new NLIHC members from the vast field of novice and seasoned affordable housing practitioners and advocates, researchers, residents of public and assisted housing, and others concerned about affordable housing for extremely low income people. It’s about increasing our collective power and having greater impact on ensuring that extremely low income households have safe, decent, and affordable homes.

There are a number of ways you can help:

  • Join NLIHC: If you’re not already an NLIHC member, please join today. If your membership has lapsed, please re-up today.
  • Recruit new members: Please tell your family, friends, and colleagues about NLIHC and encourage them to join. Consider giving an NLIHC membership as a gift.
  • Show your solidarity via social media: Change your Twitter and Facebook background to let everyone in your social media network know that you are an NLIHC member and that membership is important to you. Copy and save the graphic as your background for the month of September. 
  • Tweet, Retweet, and Share:  Connect with NLIHC via Facebook and Twitter to make sure that you’re receiving our tweets and posts throughout the month. We would greatly appreciate retweets and posts on social media platforms recommending NLIHC membership to your family, friends, and colleagues.

Additional information about how you can join NLIHC, recruit new members, and download the graphics for your Twitter or Facebook pages is at Should you need additional assistance, please contact NLIHC’s Field team at [email protected]