Archive: Proposed NHTF Regulations

The materials in this section are archived.  They relate to the proposed NHTF regulations.  The materials are now obsolete.  See materials about the interim regulations for information about how the NHTF is now operating.

  In order to implement any program created by Congress, the implementing agency must create a set of proposed regulations that would govern operation of that program. HUD, the agency that will administer the NHTF, is in the process of completing the NHTF regulations.    Proposed regulations implementing the National Housing Trust Fund were published on October 29, 2010 in the Federal Register. The core of the proposed regulations would be inserted into existing HOME program regulations as a new subpart N to 24 CFR part 92.    The resources on this page provide in-depth analysis of the proposed regulations, and summarize the comments made by the NHTF Campaign and others on the proposed rule.    In addition, HUD's regulatory impact analysis of the National Housing Trust Fund is available on the HUD website (link opens in a separate page).  


  1. About the National Housing Trust Fund (PDF)
  2. The Formula for Distributing NHTF to States (PDF)
  3. How Can I Influence Where the Money Goes? (PDF)
  4. Focused on Extremely Low Income Renters (PDF)
  5. Public Participation Requirements of the Consolidated Plan Process (PDF)
  6. How Can the Money Be Used? (PDF)
  7. Operating Cost Assistance (PDF)
  8. Eligible Project Costs (PDF)
  9. Transit-Oriented Development (PDF to come soon)
  10. Homeowner Features (PDF)
  11. What Rural Advocates Should Know (PDF)
  12. Serving People With Disabilities (PDF to come soon)
  13. Tenant Selection and Tenant Protections (PDF)
  14. Fair Housing Features (PDF to come soon)
  15. Site and Neighborhood Standards for Fair Housing (PDF to come soon)
  16. How Is Resident Income Figured to Determine Eligibility? (PDF to come soon)
  17. Key Time Frames to Know About (PDF)
  18. Accountability (PDF to come soon)
  19. Ineligible Activities (PDF)
  20. Where Will the Money Come From (PDF to come soon)
  21. Housing Tax Reform to Generate Revenues for NHTF (PDF to come soon)