Join Today’s (1/8) “Tenant Talk Live” to Discuss 2024 Community Agreements

NLIHC will host the year’s first session of “Tenant Talk Live” – a meeting with and for renter and resident leaders – today, January 8, at 6 pm ET. During the meeting, NLIHC staff will lead a discussion regarding community agreements for 2024. Register here to join the conversation.

Tenant Talk Live offers a space for learning, connecting with other impacted individuals, and raising awareness about tenant issues. As we embark on a new year, we must first establish community agreements within our group. These agreements provide a solid framework, defining our shared values, expectations, and norms. As we prepare for the challenges of housing justice work, it is crucial to cultivate a working environment that fosters inclusivity and empowerment for everyone. Our community agreements will ensure that we provide a welcoming and collaborative atmosphere that supports a thriving Tenant Talk Live community.

Stay up to date on “Tenant Talk Live” events and connect with other attendees by joining the Tenant Talk Facebook group.

“Tenant Talk Live” would not be possible without tenants like you! We strive to connect and engage with residents and tenant leaders through our meetings. If you are a low-income tenant and have a topic you would like to propose for an upcoming “Tenant Talk Live,” or if you would like to participate as a speaker on an upcoming call or meeting, please email: [email protected]. Meetings like “Tenant Talk Live” also depend on the support of our members. Become an NLIHC member here!