NLIHC Welcomes Billy Cerullo as Housing Advocacy Organizer

NLIHC is excited to welcome Billy Cerullo as a housing advocacy organizer on the field team. In his role, Billy will help grow the Coalition’s network of advocates and support efforts to strategically engage federal policymakers on key policy priorities. Billy has been organizing for the last seven years and has organized winning campaigns to change education and healthcare policies. Most recently, he organized multiple unionization drives as an organizer for the Laborers International Union of North America (LiUNA). Billy is professionally trained through the PICO and Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) traditions of community organizing and has extensive experience organizing and building power within systemically marginalized communities, always keeping an eye toward social, racial, and economic justice in his work. Prior to his organizing career, Billy obtained a bachelor’s degree in American government and public policy from Suffolk University in Boston, Massachusetts, and completed two years of service with AmeriCorps in Washington, D.C. Billy is bilingual in English and Spanish.