Mobilizing Voters Webinar

I Voted! Housing and the Elections!The final webinar in NLIHC’s 2016 Voterization series is “Mobilization: Getting Out the Vote.” The webinar will be held on Thursday, September 15 at 2:00 pm ET and will provide attendees with the essential elements of an effective Get Out the Vote (GOTV) effort. Topics will include effective methods of reminding voters of polling locations and times, coordinating ride services to polling locations, preparing for accessibility concerns, and assigning key roles and responsibilities to volunteers on Election Day. The webinar will also discuss best practices for early and absentee voting.

Registering and educating voters will make a difference only if voters actually turn out to the polls. A strong voter turnout by low income renters in the high-stakes 2016 election is essential to making affordable housing a high priority for policy makers. Learn how to make that happen; closed captioning will be provided. There will be ample time for attendees to share thoughts and experiences and to ask questions of the presenters.

In case you missed them, the slides and the video recordings of NLIHC’s first two Voterization webinars—“Understanding and Overcoming the Challenges of Voter Registration” and “Voter Education and Candidate Engagement”—are available at Also on the website, NLIHC offers its Voterization Plan and Voterization Narrative Guide as resources to support the work of housing organizations engaging in electoral activity.

Register for “Mobilization: Getting out the Vote,” at:  

NLIHC’s Voterization Plan is at:

NLIHC’s Voterization Narrative Guide is at:

For questions, contact the field team at: [email protected]