United for Homes is hosting a series of webinars for endorsers and supporters of the campaign. We hope these webinars will help strengthen your advocacy work for the National Housing Trust Fund and our housing tax reform proposal!

Making Twitter an Effective Tool for Spreading the United for Homes MessageMay 3, 2013Contact: Sarah Brundage, NLIHC Communications Director, [email protected]Joaquin Uy, WLIHA Communications Specialist, [email protected]Click here for the webinar presentation (PDF)Click here for the webinar recording (wmv file)

Making the Case to Realtors for the NHTF and Housing Tax ReformApril 26, 2013Contact: Sheila Crowley, NLIHC President & CEO, [email protected]Click here for the webinar presentation (PDF)Click here fo the webinar recording (wmv file)

See also: How to Discuss Housing Tax Reform with Real Estate Agents (PDF)

NHTF Regulations: How the NHTF Will Operate in Your State and CommunityApril 19, 2013Contact: Ed Gramlich, NLIHC Regulatory Director, [email protected]Click here for the webinar presentation (PDF)Download the webinar recording (wmv file)

How to Explain the NHTF and Housing Tax Reform Proposal in 3 Easy StepsApril 10, 2013Contact: Sheila Crowley, NLIHC President & CEO, [email protected]Click here for the webinar presentation (PDF) - Updated 5/3/13Click here for the webinar recording (wmv file)