

Housing Cost Burden by Income Group

Affordable and Available Homes per 100 Renter Households

All Gap Data for Arizona

Arizona Phoenix-Mesa-Chandler, AZ (Metro) Tucson, AZ (Metro)
Extremely Low Income Households and Available Rentals
Extremely Low Income Renter Households 183,275 114,880 34,668
Affordable and Available Rental Homes 45,048 24,842 7,160
Surplus (Deficit) of Affordable and Available Rental Units
At or below EXTREMELY LOW INCOME -138,227 -90,038 -27,508
At or below 50% AMI -198,422 -131,596 -38,760
Affordable and Available Rental Units per 100 Households at or below Threshold
At or below Extremely Low Income 25 22 21
At or below 50% AMI 37 34 38
At or below 80% AMI 78 74 92
At or below 100% AMI 99 99 100
% of Renter Households with Cost Burden
At Extremely Low Income 89 90 90
Extremely Low Income to 50% AMI 84 85 87
51% to 80% AMI 69 74 55
81 to 100% AMI 39 43 34
% of Renter Households with Severe Cost Burden
At Extremely Low Income 81 84 81
ELI to 50% AMI 50 54 39
51% to 80% AMI 15 16 13
81 to 100% AMI 4 4 5