

Housing Cost Burden by Income Group

Affordable and Available Homes per 100 Renter Households

All Gap Data for California

California Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA (Metro) Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA (Metro) Sacramento-Roseville-Folsom, CA (Metro) San Diego-Chula Vista-Carlsbad, CA (Metro) San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont, CA (Metro) San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA (Metro)
Extremely Low Income Households and Available Rentals
Extremely Low Income Renter Households 1,288,946 486,936 96,073 71,781 97,883 194,396 67,425
Affordable and Available Rental Homes 311,916 102,897 21,842 17,427 16,026 61,176 22,148
Surplus (Deficit) of Affordable and Available Rental Units
At or below EXTREMELY LOW INCOME -977,030 -384,039 -74,231 -54,354 -81,857 -133,220 -45,277
At or below 50% AMI -1,420,730 -587,666 -119,585 -77,593 -128,157 -169,558 -59,331
Affordable and Available Rental Units per 100 Households at or below Threshold
At or below Extremely Low Income 24 21 23 24 16 31 33
At or below 50% AMI 33 27 32 38 26 44 46
At or below 80% AMI 66 54 61 80 61 82 88
At or below 100% AMI 83 74 77 97 81 95 100
% of Renter Households with Cost Burden
At Extremely Low Income 90 91 92 88 94 84 91
Extremely Low Income to 50% AMI 85 88 86 85 88 79 76
51% to 80% AMI 68 72 71 67 73 56 58
81 to 100% AMI 45 51 55 36 54 30 31
% of Renter Households with Severe Cost Burden
At Extremely Low Income 78 81 79 78 85 70 73
ELI to 50% AMI 52 59 57 44 58 40 34
51% to 80% AMI 20 24 25 16 22 10 8
81 to 100% AMI 6 9 5 1 7 2 0