New York

New York

Housing Cost Burden by Income Group

Affordable and Available Homes per 100 Renter Households

All Gap Data for New York

New York Buffalo-Cheektowaga, NY (Metro) New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ (Metro)
Extremely Low Income Households and Available Rentals
Extremely Low Income Renter Households 981,949 48,102 952,817
Affordable and Available Rental Homes 350,772 16,445 325,965
Surplus (Deficit) of Affordable and Available Rental Units
At or below EXTREMELY LOW INCOME -631,177 -31,657 -626,852
At or below 50% AMI -702,599 -26,079 -802,460
Affordable and Available Rental Units per 100 Households at or below Threshold
At or below Extremely Low Income 36 34 34
At or below 50% AMI 53 64 45
At or below 80% AMI 83 93 79
At or below 100% AMI 94 96 91
% of Renter Households with Cost Burden
At Extremely Low Income 86 88 85
Extremely Low Income to 50% AMI 78 76 81
51% to 80% AMI 49 32 55
81 to 100% AMI 28 17 31
% of Renter Households with Severe Cost Burden
At Extremely Low Income 74 76 73
ELI to 50% AMI 38 31 42
51% to 80% AMI 12 3 13
81 to 100% AMI 4 1 5