NLIHC was founded on the principle that data-driven advocacy works. By conducting ongoing, rigorous, and timely research, we make clear the need to ensure housing for America’s lowest-income people.

Every year, we release our signature research publications: Out of Reach and The Gap. Out of Reach reports on the mismatch between what workers can afford and the market rents they must pay in every community in the United States. The Gap documents the gap between the number of renter households and rental units that are affordable and available to them, as well as housing cost burdens, by income groupings in every state and the largest 50 metropolitan areas.

Our research team also produces Congressional District Profiles, which empower policy advocates with specialized data from their own communities. We also produce specialized analyses of current issues, like emergency rental assistance, housing recovery after disasters, and the affordability gap.

Memo to Members and Partners Articles

Report Examines Youth Homelessness, Provides Recommendations

The True Colors Fund, in partnership with the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty, published the State Index on Youth Homelessness 2018. The report estimates that, nationwide, 4.2 million youth and young adults under the age of 25 experience homelessness each year. The report ranks…

Study Explores Landlord Participation in Housing Choice Voucher Program

A study by the Poverty and Inequality Research Lab of Johns Hopkins University, Urban Landlords and the Housing Choice Voucher Program, examined the participation of landlords in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program in Baltimore, Cleveland, and Dallas. The authors found that landlords’…