NLIHC 2019 Housing Policy Forum to Focus on ‘Seizing the Moment for Bold Solutions’

Seizing the Moment for Bold Solutions

Awareness about the affordable housing crisis in America is growing significantly, and federal policymakers on both sides of the aisle are responding; some have put forward bold legislative proposals to address the housing needs of low income people. NLIHC’s 2019 Housing Policy Forum taking place in Washington, DC, March 27-29, 2019 will focus on how advocates can “seize the moment for bold solutions” to homelessness and housing poverty in America. Learn more about the Forum and register today at:

Sen. Kamala Harris
Sen. Kamala
Sen. Todd Young
Sen. Todd Young
Sen. Elizabeth Warren
Sen. Elizabeth
Matthew Desmond
Dr. Matthew

The Forum will provide a wide array of opportunities to engage with affordable housing advocates, thought-leaders, policy experts, researchers, housing providers, low income residents, and leaders from Capitol Hill:

  • The state of affordable housing in 2019, recent successes and challenges, and emerging opportunities
  • Achieving greater racial equity in housing
  • The growing Opportunity Starts at Home multi-sector affordable housing movement
  • The U.S. eviction epidemic and its solutions
  • New opportunities for achieving significant new investments in the national Housing Trust Fund
  • Best practices in non-partisan voter engagement and ways to get candidates for public office to make affordable housing a priority in their campaigns
  • Working with and making housing an issue with the media
  • The future of public housing
  • Achieving development without displacement
  • The keys to state, local, and resident-led organizing
  • Ensuring equitable housing recovery in the wake of recent and future disasters
  • Tribal and rural affordable housing needs and solutions
  • The latest trends in affordable housing research
  • Low income resident leadership
  • And more

A limited number of shared-lodging hotel scholarships will be awarded on a first-come-first-served basis to low income residents who are NLIHC members and who pay their own Forum registration fee. Scholarships will be awarded to ensure a broad geographic distribution. A special session for low income residents will be held on the morning of March 17. Apply for a scholarship online at: or download a fillable PDF at:

Learn more about the Forum and register today at: