The Campaign for Housing and Community Development Funding (CHCDF) is an education, strategy and action hub. The coalition of more than 70 national organizations works to ensure the highest allocation of resources possible to support affordable housing and community development.
CHCDF’s members represent a full continuum of national housing and community development organizations, including faith-based, private sector, financial/intermediary, public sector and advocacy groups. CHCDF holds biweekly forums and meets with decision makers to promote the importance of federal funding for affordable housing and community development programs.
CHCDF 302(b) Letter for FY2025 -- Add your organization to the annual 302(b) letter to urge Congress to oppose any cuts to federal affordable housing, homelessness, and community development programs, and to instead invest in these vital programs in Fiscal Year 2025.
Factsheet: Impacts of Inconsistent Funding on Affordable Housing Programs (December 2024)
Webinar Recording: FY24 & Outlook for FY25 (June 12, 2024)
Slides: FY24 & Outlook for FY25
Webinar Recording: FY23 & Outlook for FY24
Slides: FY23 & Outlook for FY24
Webinar Recording: FY22 & FY23 Outlook
Factsheet: How Housing Resources in Build Back Better Would Strengthen Rural Communities
Factsheet: Impacts of Long-Term CRs on Affordable Housing & Community Development Programs
Factsheet: Impacts of Government Shutdown on Affordable Housing Programs
A Place To Call Home toolkit.pdf
Housing as Infrastructure CHCDF.pdf
CHCDF letter to the Biden Administration urging the highest possible funding for affordable housing and community development programs in the President's FY23 budget request.
CHCDF Transition Memo to Biden-Harris Administration
CHCDF FY2020 Spending Caps Letter
CHCDF Transition Memo to Trump Administration
For more information, contact Kim Johnson at [email protected] or (202) 662-1530x243
Campaign for Housing and Community Development Funding
Support Vital Federal Programs
Help to ensure maximum federal resources for housing and community development.

CHCDF Members
- American Association of Service Coordinators
- American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
- The Arc of the United States
- B'nai B'rith International
- Catholic Charities USA
- Center for American Progress
- Center for Community Progress
- Center for Disability Rights
- Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
- Coalition on Human Needs
- Corporation for Supportive Housing
- Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
- Council of State Community Development Agencies
- Enterprise Community Partners
- Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Washington Office
- Fahe
- Funders Together to End Homelessness
- General Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church
- Grounded Solutions Network
- Habitat for Humanity International
- Housing Assistance Council
- LeadingAge
- Local Initiatives Support Corporation
- Low Income Investment Fund
- Lutheran Services in America
- National Affordable Housing Management Association
- National AIDS Housing Coalition
- National Alliance of Community Economic Development Associations
- National Alliance on Mental Illness
- National Alliance to End Homelessness
- National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders
- National Association of Affordable Housing Lenders
- National Association of County Community and Economic Development
- National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials
- National Association of Local Housing Finance Agencies
- National Center for Healthy Housing
- National Center for Housing & Child Welfare
- National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development
- National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
- National Coalition for the Homeless
- National Community Development Association
- National Community Stabilization Trust
- National Council of State Housing Agencies
- National Disability Rights Network
- National Fair Housing Alliance
- National Health Care for the Homeless Council
- National Housing and Rehabilitation Association
- National Housing Conference
- National Housing Law Project
- National Housing Resource Center
- National Housing Trust
- National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty
- National Leased Housing Association
- National Low Income Housing Coalition
- National NeighborWorks Association
- National Network to End Domestic Violence
- National Partnership for Women and Families
- National Women's Law Center
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- NeighborWorks America
- NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby
- New York City Housing Development Corporation
- PolicyLink
- Poverty and Race Research Action Council
- Prosperity Now
- Public Housing Authorities Directors Association
- Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
- Salvation Army
- Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future
- True Colors Fund
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
CHCDF Steering Committee
Sonya Acosta
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Cynthia Cuestas
Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
Malcolm Guy
Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
Xavier Arriaga
Liz Osborn
Linda Couch
Mark Kudlowitz
Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Steve Berg
Jenna Hampton
National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Organizations
Eric Oberdorfer
National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Organizations
Robert Henson
National Council of State Housing Agencies
Noëlle Porter
Haleigh Quinn
Kim Johnson
National Low Income Housing Coalition
Althea Arnold