
Housing Assistance for Low Income Households

Oct 01, 2008

Housing Assistance for Low Income Households: States Do Not Fill the Gap

A Follow Up to a Patchwork of Small Measures: A 2001 Report on State Funded Rental Assistance

The subject of this report is states attempting to fill the gap in rental assistance for low income families, a gap created by a diminishing federal role. Exploratory research with state agencies, grounded in a review by state and local advocates and service providers, produced information on 50 states and the District of Columbia regarding the provision of state-funded rental assistance. The state programs are categorized into four types: tenant based, project based, tenant and project based, and tax relief. For each program, a description, contact information for the administering agency, information about recent funding (where available), and the number of households served (where available) are provided.

Danilo Pelletiere, Ph.D.
Michelle Canizio, M.P.A.
Morgan Hargrave
Sheila Crowley, Ph.D., M.S.W.

National Low Income Housing Coalition
October 2008