Census Finds Ownership Vacancies at All-time High

The most recent Housing Vacancy Survey, released by the U.S. Census for the first quarter of 2008, shows that the vacancy rate for ownership units has risen to 2.9%, the highest since these data have been kept. Before the current downturn, the vacancy rate had never exceeded 2%. As a further indication of the impact of the foreclosure crisis and slow down in sales, the number of year-round units recorded as vacant but neither for sale nor for rent stood at 7.5 million, 250,000 more than a year before; the number of seasonally vacant units increased by a similar amount in this period.

The rental vacancy rate stood at unchanged at 10.1%, but survey also found that in the past year the number of renters increased by nearly 1 million, compared to an increase of just 139,000 homeowners. This increase in renters was more than the increase in rental demand experienced in the previous few years combined. As a direct result, the homeownership rate continued to decline over the past year, falling significantly from 68.4% to 67.8%.

The current and past Housing Vacancy Surveys can be found at: www.census.gov/hhes/www/housing/hvs/hvs.html.