Increases in Earnings from FSS and Incentive-Based Programs Vary by Subgroup

Percent Change in Average Earnings of Voucher Holders over 30-Month Study Period                                                      FSS Only    FSS + Incentives    Incentives Only                Food stamp recipient at baseline    15.2%        9.3%                      18.7%Not receiving food stamp                -7.9        -2.6                         -8.8Working at baseline                        -2.4        -6.5                         3.6Not working at baseline                  24.3        45.4                        17.1Chart shows percent change between program and control groups within each investigation.Source: Verna, N., Tessler, B., Miller, C., Riccio, J.A., Rucks, Z. and Yang, E. (2013). Working Toward Self-Sufficiency: Early Findings from a Program for Housing Voucher Recipients in New York City. Washington, D.C.: MDRC. Retrieved from: