This page features articles from Memo to Members & Partners and other sources about affordable housing and homelessness featured in past and present elections.


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Housing and the Election Resources

Join Organizations Across the Nation To Make Housing an Election Issue!

The conventions are over. Candidates up and down the ballot are on the campaign trail making promises and asking for votes. Let’s join forces to make sure that affordable housing is on their agenda. Join NLIHC, Make Room, and organizations across the nation to send 1 million messages to Congress…

Speaker Ryan Challenges Fellow Republicans to Address Poverty

In a six-part Opportunity Lives online documentary series titled “Comeback” released last week, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) challenged his Republican colleagues to do more to tackle poverty in America. Opportunity Lives is affiliated with the Kemp Forum, an anti-poverty summit sponsored…

Democrats’ Draft Party Platform Commits to Expanding the HTF and Section 8

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) published its draft party platform on Friday. The DNC Party Platform Drafting Committee voted on the draft 2016 party platform the previous week (see Memo, 6/27) after having received testimony from 114 people during two recent public hearings and additional…

Mobilizing Voters Webinar

The final webinar in NLIHC’s 2016 Voterization series is “Mobilization: Getting Out the Vote.” The webinar will be held on Thursday, September 15 at 2:00 pm ET and will provide attendees with the essential elements of an effective Get Out the Vote (GOTV) effort. Topics will include effective…