Listing of Housing Research Repository Articles Focusing on Housing Affordability & Cost Burden.

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Housing Affordability & Cost Burden Resources

Representative DeSaulnier Proposes Creation of HUD Office of Housing Innovation

Representative Mark DeSaulnier (D-CA) introduced H.R. 7054, the “Housing Innovation Act,” which would establish an Office of Housing Innovation within HUD. The new office would focus on “developing new approaches for increasing and diversifying the supply of housing and for meeting the challenges…

Senator Heller Proposes New Housing Tax Credit for Seniors

Senator Dean Heller (R-NV) introduced on October 11 the “Seniors Housing Tax Credit Act” (S.3580), a bill to create a new tax credit to help make housing affordable to extremely low income senior households. According to the Senator’s press release announcing the bill’s introduction, the…

Representative Clyburn Proposes Renters Credit and Local Zoning Reforms

Representative James E. Clyburn (D-SC) introduced on October 9 the “Housing Opportunity, Mobility and Equity (HOME) Act of 2018” (H.R. 7050), the House version of the Senate legislation (S.3342) proposed by Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ). The ambitious proposal would help to bridge the widening gap…

Harvard Joint Center Evaluates Two Approaches for Measuring Housing Cost Burdens

A paper from the Harvard University Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS), Measuring Housing Affordability: Assessing the 30 Percent of Income Standard, compares two different measures of housing cost burdens: the common 30% housing cost-to-income ratio and the residual income approach. The paper…