Listing of Housing Research Repository Articles Focusing on Housing Affordability & Cost Burden.

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Housing Affordability & Cost Burden Resources

NLIHC Releases Out of Reach 2017: National Housing Wage is $21.21 per Hour

Out of Reach 2017: The High Cost of Housing NLIHC released Out of Reach 2017 on June 8. The report’s Housing Wage is the hourly wage a full-time worker must earn to afford a modest apartment while spending no more than 30% of his or her income on rent and utilities. This year, the national two-…

School Workers Unable to Afford Housing

The National Housing Conference’s Center for Housing Policy released its 2016 edition of Paycheck to Paycheck. This year’s report focusses on housing affordability for five occupations found among workers at schools in major metropolitan areas nationwide: bus driver, child care (day care) teacher,…