List of Housing Resarch Repository articles that focus on Housing Assistance: vouchers, subsidies, public housing and other public assistance.

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Housing Assistance Resources

New Resources and Updates on COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Programs

NLIHC updated its emergency rental assistance programs on August 3 and developed new resources for readers, including through an interactive map and searchable database. A webinar on August 19, 1-2 pm ET will discuss the new tools. As of August 3, NLIHC was tracking 271 local and state emergency…

UCLA Report Urges Acquiring Hotels for Use as Affordable Housing

The UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy recently published a second installment in its Housing Justice in the Time of COVID-19 series. The new report, Hotel California: Housing the Crisis, outlines a policy strategy for acquiring hotels for use as affordable housing. The report…

CBPP Report Finds Additional Federal Spending is Needed to Aid U.S. Households

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) released a report in early July, Failed Reopenings Highlight Urgent Need to Build on Federal Fiscal Support for Households and States, that illustrates how federal coronavirus spending has helped American families, and why continued spending is…