List of Housing Resarch Repository articles that focus on Housing Assistance: vouchers, subsidies, public housing and other public assistance.

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Housing Assistance Resources

Joint Center Study: Impacts and Implications of the Voucher Program

The Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University has released a study of the effects of housing vouchers on families receiving TANF. The study focuses on how effective housing vouchers are in the following areas: allowing families to move away from areas of concentrated poverty,…

Housing Subsidies are Key Component to Ending Homelessness for Families

A new report from the National Alliance to End Homelessness and Enterprise Community Partners shows that access to affordable housing is the key to preventing and ending homelessness for most families and that housing subsidies are generally all that is needed to ensure housing…

HUD Report Shows Low Foreclosure Rates for HOME/ADDI Homeowners

According to a HUD report released June 25, homeowners who received downpayment assistance through the HOME and American Dream Downpayment Initiative (ADDI) programs are less likely to be foreclosed upon than buyers using the standard FHA program. HUD conducted the study to…