Listing of articles about the following: 

  • Market: Rental and homeownership, market preferences, manufactured housing, multifamily housing.
  • Stock:  preservation, construction, revitalization efforts, gaps, zoning, Financing

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Housing Market & Affordable Housing Stock Resources

State Interventions in Land-Use Regulations Can Increase Access to Opportunity

An article in Housing Policy Debate, “State Affordable Housing Appeals Systems and Access to Opportunity: Evidence from the Northeastern United States,” finds evidence that legal systems that allow developers to request overrides of local land-use regulations can increase access to opportunity. The…

Freddie Mac Estimates Housing Shortage of 3.3 Million Homes

Freddie Mac released “The Housing Supply Shortage: State of the States,” which finds that 29 states and the District of Columbia have a housing undersupply. TShe largest deficits of housing supply were found in the District of Columbia (with a deficit of 9.55%), Oregon (8.8%), and California (5.74…

Tax Strategies for Rural Affordable Housing Preservation

The Housing Assistance Council released “Tax Considerations for Rural Housing Preservation,” which outlines strategies for avoiding adverse tax consequences that can prevent the preservation of rural affordable housing at the time of a sale. The paper suggests that changes in tax law, such as…