Below is a listing of articles and resources that are about the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) or have information on HUD news and events.  For more information, visit

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Housing and Urban Development Resources

NLIHC Offers Sample Comment Letter on HUD’s Proposed Section 3 Rule

NLIHC has prepared a sample comment letter about HUD’s proposed Section 3 rule that organizations can adapt to their priorities. NLIHC urges residents and advocates to submit comments before the June 3 deadline. The sample letter provides more than you may want to include in your own letter; just…

HUD Releases Block Grant Allocations for 2018 Disaster-Impacted States

HUD released on May 14 allocations of Community Development Block Grant–Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funding for areas impacted by the 2018 disasters. These awards come from money Congress appropriated in early October 2018, shortly after Hurricane Florence and just before Hurricane Michael. HUD…