Below is a listing of articles and resources that are about the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) or have information on HUD news and events.  For more information, visit

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Housing and Urban Development Resources

HUD Provides Guidance for PHAs with Voucher Shortfalls

HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) issued Notice PIH 2018-05 providing guidance regarding public housing agency (PHA) eligibility in FY18 for shortfall funding to prevent terminating rental assistance for households because the PHA has insufficient funds. When drafting the Notice, PIH…

Senate Committee Again Approves HUD Nominees

The Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs voted on January 17 to recommend two nominees for HUD assistant secretary positions. The nominees are Brian Montgomery for HUD assistant secretary for housing and commissioner of the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and Robert Kurtz…

HUD Withdraws Five Proposed Rules and Publishes FY18 Regulatory Agenda

HUD’s Regulatory Task Force, formed in response to Executive Order (EO) 13777 (see Memo, 3/6/17), decided to withdraw five proposed rules, publishing the withdrawal in the Federal Register on December 22.  HUD also announced its Fall 2017 Statement of Regulatory Priorities for Fiscal Year 2018…