Point of View articles are by current NLIHC President & CEO Diane Yentel.  Below is a listing of articles by date.

Point of View Resources

Rent is Due – by Diane Yentel, NLIHC President and CEO

Rent is due today, and millions of people in America can’t afford to pay. Without a significant federal intervention, a wave of evictions and a spike in homelessness will devastate individuals, communities, and our economy. The House has passed legislation to prevent this unnecessary and costly…

Point of View: Dissatisfied – by NLIHC President and CEO Diane Yentel

Yesterday we as a nation honored Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. As I do every year, I reflected on his work, his words, and what they require of us. What better way to honor Dr. King than continuing his work to achieve housing justice? Dr. King spent his final years fighting for fair housing before…

Point of View: HUD’s Latest Attack on Fair Housing

HUD published today its Disparate Impact proposed rule, the latest of HUD Secretary Carson’s efforts to gut fair housing protections. With this proposal, Secretary Carson would dismantle a critical enforcement tool for combatting discrimination, further restricting access to housing for people…