NLIHC Resources

HUD Publishes Proposed Rule

NLIHC’s AFFH comment letter is at:

NLIHC’s “Overview of Key AFFH Definitions” is at:

NLIHC’s “Revised Overview of AFFH Community Engagement and Complaint Processes” is at:

NLIHC’s “Overview of the AFFH Equity Plan” is at:

NLIHC’s “Preliminary Overview of AFFH Equity Plan Submission and HUD Review and Compliance Procedures” is at:

NLIHC’s “Preliminary Highlights of Five Positive Overarching Features of the Proposed AFFH Rule” is at:

NLIHC’s “Key Provisions of the 2023 Proposed AFFH Rule: Based on the Executive Summary and Background Sections of the Preamble” is at:

HUD Publishes Interim Final Rule

An NLIHC Memo to Members article about the Interim Final Rule is here.

NLIHC signed on to two letters commenting on the IFR, one from the National Housing Law Project and one from a group of civil rights organizations.

President Biden’s Memorandum

An NLIHC Memo to Members article about President Biden’s “Memorandum on Redressing Our Nation’s and the Federal Government’s History of Discriminatory Housing Practices and Policies” from January 26, 2021 is here.

Trump Administration Eliminates AFFH Rule

An NLIHC Memo to Members article about the Trump administration’s final rule is here.

The Proposed January 14, 2020 AFFH Rule

The Fight for Housing Justice microsite:

NLIHC two-page summary is here.

NLIHC eight-page summary is here.

NLIHC thirty-page summary and analysis is here.

Statement from Diane Yentel, NLIHC president and CEO is here.

The Advanced Notice of Proposed Rule Making, August 16, 2018

NLIHC’s comprehensive assessment of the ANPR, available here.

NLIHC’s comment letter is here.

The Suspension of the 2015 Final AFFH Rule, January 5, 2018

NLIHC comment letter regarding suspension is here.

NLIHC Outline of Final AFFH Rule

NLIHC has an outline of key features of the 2015 final Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule. NLIHC’s 20-page outline covers essential topics such as the five components of an AFH, the linkage between the AFH and the Consolidated Plan (ConPlan), and the public participation requirements. The outline is here.

HUD Publishes Interim Final Rule

An NLIHC Memo to Members article about the Interim Final Rule is here.

NLIHC signed on to two letters commenting on the IFR, one from the National Housing Law Project and one from a group of civil rights organizations.

Additional NLIHC Resource Documents & Links