Westchester County, NY AFFH Memo to Members Articles
- June 5, 2009, “HUD Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing in Westchester County, NY”
- August 21, 2009, “Legal Settlement Signals HUD Approach to Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing”
- February 26, 2010, “Westchester County, NY Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Plan Rejected by Court Monitor”
- July 16, 2010, “HUD and Court Monitor Respond to Westchester’s Continued Failures to AFFH”
- January 7, 2011, “HUD Rejects Westchester County, New York’s Revised Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice”
- June 3, 2011, “Advocate Asks Court to Enforce Westchester County, NY Fair Housing Consent Decree”
- July 22, 2011, “HUD Again Rejects Westchester County, NY Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing’
- May 4, 2012, “District Court Rules Westchester County, NY Breached Fair Housing Settlement”
- July 27, 2012, “U.S. District Attorney Asks Court to Compel Westchester County, NY to Comply with Settlement”
- March 29, 2013, “HUD Threatens to Reallocate $7.4 Million from Westchester County”
- April 12, 2013, “Appeals Court Rules Westchester County Violated Consent Decree”
- April 26, 2013, “DOJ Threatens Westchester with Contempt, County Complies at Last Minute”
- April 25, 2014, “Updates on the Ongoing Saga of Westchester County’s Failures to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing”
- May 1, 2017, “New Developments in Westchester County AFFH Court Settlement”
- May 8, 2017, “Court of Appeals Rules Westchester ‘Engaging in Total Obstruction’”
- August 14, 2017, "HUD Accepts Westchester’s 11th Fair Housing Analysis of Impediments Zoning Supplement"
For more information, contact Ed Gramlich, Special Advisor, at [email protected] or 202.662.1530 x314.