List of articles related to economic mobility, economic inequality, and poverty.

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Poverty & Economic Well-Being Resources

Wage Inequality Grows Over the Past Decade, but Minimum Wage Laws Help

A report by Elise Gould of the Economic Policy Institute, The State of American Wages 2017, shows the growing inequality in earnings between high-wage and low-wage workers. From 2000 to 2017, the highest-wage workers (at the 95th percentile) saw their wages grow by 21.5%, while the lowest-wage…

Brookings Report Shows Cities Experiencing Uneven Economic Progress

The Metropolitan Policy Program at the Brookings Institution released its annual report, Metro Monitor, the week of February 19. Metro Monitor tracks economic progress in the 100 largest metropolitan areas in the U.S. using an Inclusive Growth Index. The report shows widespread but uneven progress…

Policy Barriers Hurt Low Income Families' Economic Well-Being

Prosperity Now’s 2018 Scorecard ranks all 50 states and the District of Columbia on residents’ financial well-being. Their report, Whose Bad Choices? How Policy Precludes Prosperity and What We Can Do About It, dispels the myth that low income families are poor as a result of their own choices. The…

Family Self Sufficiency Act Passes House

The House of Representatives passed on January 16 the “Family Self Sufficiency Act” (HR 4258) under a “suspension of the rules,” a designation intended to speed passage of noncontroversial bills. The bill, introduced by Representatives Sean Duffy (R-WI) and Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO), permanently…