List of articles related to economic mobility, economic inequality, and poverty.

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Poverty & Economic Well-Being Resources

Census Data Show Higher Incomes and Lower Poverty in U.S., but not Full Recovery

The U.S. Census Bureau released its annual report on income and poverty on September 13. Income and Poverty in the United States: 2015 shows that median household income increased between 2014 and 2015 by 5.2%, from $53,718 to $56,516. The poverty rate declined from 14.8% to 13.5% during the same…

Well-Being of Economically Disadvantaged Americans Similar to Poorer Countries

A new paper by Luke Shaefer, Pinghui Wu, and Kathryn Edin titled Can Poverty in America Be Compared to Conditions in the World’s Poorest Countries? challenges the claim that economically disadvantaged Americans, though poor, enjoy greater well-being than many people around the world. The authors…

Household Wealth Varies Significantly By Race

The Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED) and the Institute for Policy Studies released a report titled The Ever Growing Gap that documents racial inequities in wealth accumulation and provides federal policy prescriptions to address the racial wealth gap. Housing policies are identified as…