List of articles related to economic mobility, economic inequality, and poverty.

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Poverty & Economic Well-Being Resources

U.S. Poverty Becoming More Suburbanized

Poverty rates across the country are growing faster in the suburbs than in cities and rural areas, according to a new report from the Brookings Institution’s Metropolitan Policy Program.  As of 2008, the nation’s suburbs housed nearly a third of the nation’s low income people…

Quarter of Unemployed Threatened with Eviction, CBS-NYT Survey Finds

A recent poll from the New York Times and CBS illustrates the link between the current recession and the foreclosure and eviction crises. Unemployed respondents were asked the question, “As a result of being unemployed, have you been threatened with foreclosure or eviction for…

Average Incomes Decline, Poverty Rises

According to data released by the U.S. Census on September 10, real median household income in the United States fell by 3.6% between 2007 and 2008, the largest single-year decline in the last 40 years. This dramatic decline from, $52,163 to $50,303, completely erased the limited gains…

Most Large Cities Actually Growing During Housing Crisis

A new Brookings report shows that even as population growth in many suburbs, exurbs, and smaller metropolitan areas is slowing down during the current housing crisis, population growth is accelerating in many large central cities. In cities such as Washington, DC, and Atlanta,…