
Hawaiʻi Fires Cultural And Sovereignty Resource Guide For Disaster Recovery Organizations

Read our new factsheet for Fires Cultural and Sovereignty Resource Guide.

Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition

One of the top priorities after a disaster is making sure that all displaced families have a safe, accessible, and affordable place to live while they get back on their feet. Too often, however, the housing, infrastructure, and mitigation needs of the lowest income people and their communities are overlooked.

NLIHC leads the Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition of more than 850 national, state, and local organizations, including many working directly with disaster-impacted communities and with first-hand experience recovering after disasters. We work to ensure that federal disaster recovery efforts reach all impacted households, including the lowest income seniors, people with disabilities, families with children, veterans, people experiencing homelessness, and other at-risk populations who are often the hardest-hit by disasters and have the fewest resources to recover afterwards.

Quick Links

How to Sign Up for DHRC Meetings

  • Disaster Recovery Working Group

    Disaster Recovery Working Group
    Every Wednesday at 2:00 pm ET

    The DHRC holds weekly calls to hear updates from members on disaster recovery efforts from around the country, share best practices, and stay up to date on the latest federal changes to the disaster recovery response framework.

    *This call is closed to the press and will not be recorded.

    Register for the Disaster Recovery Working Group at:

  • Puerto Rico Working Group

    Puerto Rico Working Group 
    Every Other Thursday at 3:00 p.m. EST

    The Puerto Rico working group has been meeting since Hurricanes Irma and Maria devastated the island and has continued through the recent earthquakes and now Hurricane Fiona. This working group is facilitated by the DHRC, but it is led by advocates and organizations working in Puerto Rico.

    *This call is closed to the press and will not be recorded.

    Please reach out to Noah Patton at [email protected]

  • Hawai’i Wildfires Working Group

    Hawai'i Working Group 
    Every Thursday at 4:00 p.m. EST

    The DHRC Hawai’i Wildfires Working Group was established in 2023 to create clear channels of communication with housing and community advocates in Maui, magnify federal housing advocacy efforts, provide best practices, technical assistance, support, and solidarity for those conducting housing recovery efforts in the aftermath of the catastrophic fires. Group membership is open to all advocates in Hawaiʻi and by invitation only for advocates in the continental U.S. Hosted in conjunction with the National Housing Law Project.

    *This call is closed to the press and will not be recorded.

    Please reach out to Noah Patton at [email protected]

For more information, please contact NLIHC Manager of Disaster Recovery Noah Patton ([email protected])

Memo to Members and Partners Articles

Coronavirus Updates – September 13, 2021

National Updates Congress House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) released on August 31 a new episode of “Clyburn Chronicles,” the congressman’s podcast, featuring NLIHC’s Diane Yentel discussing how the affordable housing crisis has been shaped by racial disparities and the COVID-19 pandemic.…

Disaster Housing Recovery Updates – September 13, 2021

NLIHC Updates Take Action! Sign your organization on to a letter supporting the bipartisan “Reforming Disaster Recovery Act” to ensure every disaster survivor receives the assistance they need to recover fully. If enacted, the legislation would permanently authorize the Community Development Block…

FEMA Announces Major Improvements for Low-Income Disaster Survivors

FEMA announced major reforms to address long-standing barriers that have prevented the lowest-income and most marginalized disaster survivors from receiving the assistance they need to recover. The reforms were developed and advanced by NLIHC’s Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition (DRHC) and its…

Additional Coronavirus Updates – September 7, 2021

National Updates Congress Representatives Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Cori Bush (D-MO), Jimmy Gomez (D-CA), and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) led over 60 of their House colleagues in writing to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer urging them to pass legislation to extend…