Special Populations & Fair Housing

Articles that explore segments of the population often with unique needs and/or higher risks of housing instability. These include rural communities, low income households, veterans, minorities and women.  This category also includes articles related to fair housing, including accessibility, discrminiation and interventions such as AFFH.

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Special Populations & Fair Housing Resources

Racial Stereotypes Pervade Tenant Screening Processes

An article in American Sociological Review, “Racial Discrimination in Housing: How Landlords Use Algorithms and Home Visits to Screen Tenants,” explores how racial discrimination affects landlord screening practices, even in rental markets with little racial diversity. In interviews with and…

HUD and FHFA Collaborate to Enforce Fair Housing and Fair Lending

HUD and the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) on August 13 announced they will collaborate to enhance enforcement of the Fair Housing Act. The two agencies have entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) regarding fair housing and fair lending coordination to strengthen enforcement of…

Latino Households Face Challenges in Accessing Housing Assistance Programs

A new study published in Cityscape, “Understanding Low-Income Hispanic Housing Challenges and the Use of Housing and Homelessness Assistance,” finds that despite facing severe housing challenges, Latino households do not access housing resources and programs at rates relative to their poverty level…