Articles that explore segments of the population often with unique needs and/or higher risks of housing instability. These include rural communities, low income households, veterans, minorities and women.  This category also includes articles related to fair housing, including accessibility, discrminiation and interventions such as AFFH.

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Special Populations & Fair Housing Resources

Webinar on VAWA Final Rule, March 1

The National Housing Law Project will hold a webinar on HUD’s final rule implementing the housing provisions of the “Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013” (VAWA) rule (see Memo, 10/31/16). HUD also released a notice of occupancy rights under VAWA, a model emergency transfer plan, and…

CAP Reports on Emerging Housing Needs of Extended Families

A report from the Center for American Progress (CAP) titled Housing the Extended Family examines the implications of changing trends in family composition for housing policy. The report finds that the changing composition of families, particularly the growth of “extended families,” will require…