Articles that explore segments of the population often with unique needs and/or higher risks of housing instability. These include rural communities, low income households, veterans, minorities and women.  This category also includes articles related to fair housing, including accessibility, discrminiation and interventions such as AFFH.

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Special Populations & Fair Housing Resources

Discrimination Against Transgender Women Persists in Shelters

The Center for American Progress and the Equal Rights Center recently released a study titled Discrimination Against Transgender Women Seeking Access to Homeless Shelters. Utilizing test calls to 100 shelters across four states, the study found less than a third of shelters were willing to properly…

Report: Gay and Transgender Youth Disproportionately Homeless

Gay and transgender youth are disproportionately homeless compared to youth in general, a June report released by the Center for American Progress finds. Further, once homeless, these youth face increased instances of physical and sexual exploitation.  The report synthesizes current research…