Articles that explore segments of the population often with unique needs and/or higher risks of housing instability. These include rural communities, low income households, veterans, minorities and women.  This category also includes articles related to fair housing, including accessibility, discrminiation and interventions such as AFFH.

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Special Populations & Fair Housing Resources

Report Finds Federal Fair Housing Enforcement Lagging

A new report finds that while fair housing complaints continue to increase with the worsening housing market and rise of internet advertising, the number of significant fair housing actions handled by HUD and the Department of Justice (DOJ) actually declined over the last decade…

Report Grades States on Status of Child Homelessness

In a comprehensive report on child homelessness released March 10, the National Center on Family Homelessness (NCFH) compiles information from a wide variety of sources to rank the 50 states on the extent and nature of child homelessness within their borders. The publication includes a two-page…

Report Offers Insight into Seniors in the Foreclosure Crisis

Americans 50 years old or older make up nearly a third of all mortgage delinquencies according to a new report from AARP Public Policy Institute. Of the 684,000 older American homeowners in delinquency, 50,000 were in foreclosure or had already lost their homes. Older African Americans are…

OH borrower data show racial, geographic concentration of foreclosures

African-Americans in Cleveland face foreclosure nearly four times as often as whites do. Similarly, those earning less than half of the median income (AMI) are more than twice as likely to be in foreclosure as those earning more than 120% of AMI. And non-owner occupied homes are nearly three times…