Articles that explore segments of the population often with unique needs and/or higher risks of housing instability. These include rural communities, low income households, veterans, minorities and women.  This category also includes articles related to fair housing, including accessibility, discrminiation and interventions such as AFFH.

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Special Populations & Fair Housing Resources

Take Action Now: Comment Period for HUD’s Anti-Transgender Rule Ends Tomorrow!

The last day to submit comments opposing HUD’s anti-transgender rule is tomorrow, September 22. The rule has been open to a 60-day public comment period since HUD published its proposed changes to the Equal Access Rule in the Federal Register on July 24 (see Memo, 07/27). Tuesday will be the last…

Join Housing Saves Lives Campaign Week of Action: August 31 - September 4

Join NLIHC and the Housing Saves Lives campaign to oppose HUD’s anti-transgender rule in a Week of Action taking place today through September 4. The Trump administration is once again attacking LGBTQ people, this time by removing critical equal access protections and regulations for transgender…

Study Examines “Man in the House” Rules in the Voucher Program

A new article by Rahim Kurwa, “The New Man in the House Rules: How the Regulation of Housing Vouchers Turns Personal Bonds into Eviction Liabilities,” explores the impacts on families of regulations in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program. The article, published in Housing Policy Debate, finds…