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Bibliography on Mortgage Interest Deduction and Related Topics

Compiled by the National Low Income Housing Coalition
Updated October 2012

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Brownstein, R. (2011, March 19). A solid foundation: Why Americans still long for their own homes. National Journal, pp. 30-32, 34-35. http://www.allstate.com/allstate/content/refresh-attachments/heartland_…

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Bourassa, S.C. and Grigsby, W.G. (2000). Income tax concessions for owner-occupied housing. Housing Policy Debate, 11 (3). pp. 521-546. http://content.knowledgeplex.org/kp2/img/cache/kp/1268.pdf

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Bourassa, S. C. and Hendershott, P. H. (1994). On equity effects of taxing imputed rent: Evidence from Australia. Housing Policy Debate, 5 (11). pp. 73-95. http://www.knowledgeplex.org/kp/text_document_summary/scholarly_article…

Brown, D. A. (2010). Shades of the American Dream. Washington University Law Review. http://www.law.emory.edu/fileadmin/faculty_documents/dabrown7/Shades_La…

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Carliner, M. S. (1998). Development of federal homeownership ‘policy.’ Housing Policy Debate, 9 (2), 299-322. http://www.michaelcarliner.com/HPD98-OwnershipPolicy.pdf

Carroll, R., O’Hare, J.F., and Swagel, P.L. (2011, June). Costs and benefits of housing tax subsidies. Pew Charitable Trusts. http://www.pewtrusts.org/uploadedFiles/wwwpewtrustsorg/Reports/Economic…

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