NLIHC Announces Four New Board Members: Staci Berger, Colleen Echohawk, Anne Mavity and Sharon Vogel
Apr 14, 2021
NLIHC Announces Four New Board Members: Staci Berger, Colleen Echohawk, Anne Mavity and Sharon Vogel
WASHINGTON, DC– The National Low Income Coalition (NLIHC) announces the appointment of four new members to the NLIHC Board of Directors: Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey President and CEO Staci Berger; Chief Seattle Club Executive Director Colleen Echohawk; Minnesota Housing Partnership Executive Director Anne Mavity; and Cheyenne River Housing Authority Executive Director Sharon Vogel.
Staci Berger has served as president and CEO of Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey, an NLIHC state partner, since 2013. Ms. Berger directs this statewide association of over 270 community-based organizations and individuals, created in 1989 to enhance the efforts of these groups to create affordable housing and revitalize their communities, and to improve the climate for community development in New Jersey. “The last year has presented incredible challenges for the community development sector and the people and communities we serve,” said Ms. Berger. “NLIHC has been an invaluable partner and ally in promoting policies that keep the most vulnerable individuals healthy and safe in a home they can afford all across the nation. NLIHC has been an incomparable resource and incredible partner in our efforts to make NJ a place everyone can afford to call home. It is an honor and privilege to serve on the NLIHC Board of Directors.”
Colleen Echohawk is citizen of the Pawnee Nation and is the executive director of the Chief Seattle Club, a Native-led organization in Seattle providing services and housing to Indigenous people experiencing homeless. She is also the founder of the National Coalition to End Urban Indigenous Homelessness. Recognizing a lack of equity in housing design and development, and the profound impact it has on the well-being of people of color, Ms. Echohawk began advocating for equitable low-income housing development and indigenous-led design. “I’m honored to be serving as a board member for NLIHC,” said Ms. Echohawk. “I believe my experience serving the Indigenous community will be of great importance as we advocate for affordable, equitable housing for all communities.”
Anne Mavity joined the Minnesota Housing Partnership, an NLIHC state partner, as its executive director in 2017. Ms. Mavity has over thirty years of experience in advancing and creating affordable housing, capacity building and community development. She has worked on a congressional subcommittee on housing, provided technical assistance and underwriting at CSH creating permanent supportive housing policies and projects, and led affordable housing development and organizing for Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative. “NLIHC is doing impactful and critically needed policy advocacy and research, and I’m honored to join the NLIHC Board,” said Ms. Mavity. “This is a critical time of opportunity, when the spotlight is on housing and how essential it is that everyone has a home to maintain health, educate their children, keep our elders safe. NLIHC is well-positioned to offer concrete solutions to address these long-standing challenges in ensuring everyone has a home.”
Sharon Vogel is the executive director of the Cheyenne River Housing Authority on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation. Home to the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, the Reservation is located in north-central South Dakota. Mrs. Vogel has dedicated her professional career to working with and for tribal members, many of whom were and continue to be disenfranchised families. Beginning her career in tribal government services, she has worked for the last nineteen years in the Indian Housing field. Mrs. Vogel is a recognized leader in Indian Housing on the regional and national levels. “I am honored to serve on the NLIHC Board of Directors,” said Ms. Vogel. “I am looking forward to working with this amazing group of individuals who are committed to providing safe and affordable housing opportunities for families throughout this country. I have followed the work of the NLIHC for the past ten years and have been so impressed with their inclusive leadership. I appreciate their commitment to diversity and collaborative efforts to advance shared goals of our membership.”
“I am so pleased to welcome Staci, Colleen, Ann, and Sharon to the NLIHC Board,” said NLIHC President and CEO Diane Yentel. “Each brings invaluable perspectives and years of leadership and experience advocating for affordable and decent homes for those with the lowest incomes. Their exceptional leadership builds on the outstanding expertise of those already serving on the NLIHC Board. I look forward to working with them and the rest of NLIHC’s Board leaders in continuing to advance socially just policies to ensure decent, safe, accessible, and affordable homes for those with the greatest needs.”
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About the National Low Income Housing Coalition:
The National Low Income Housing Coalition is dedicated solely to achieving socially just public policy that ensures people with the lowest incomes in the United States have affordable and decent homes. NLIHC educates, organizes, and advocates to ensure decent, affordable housing for everyone. For more information about NLIHC, please visit