Opportunity Starts at Home Unveils National Policy Agenda and Urges Congress to Act
Jan 24, 2019
The Opportunity Starts at Home multi-sector affordable homes campaign released today its national policy agenda, "Within Reach." The campaign makes the case that stronger federal action to ensure the most vulnerable low-income households have safe, decent, affordable homes is long-overdue.
Over the past year, leading national organizations from the housing, education, health, civil rights, anti-hunger, anti-poverty, and faith-based sectors have joined together through Opportunity Starts at Home, an unprecedented multi-sector campaign advocating for more robust and equitable federal housing policies. "Within Reach" identifies essential short- and long-term policy strategies for Congress to act on.
The campaign will host a congressional briefing on the “Within Reach” policy agenda at the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center today, January 24, at 1:00 p.m. ET. Follow the campaign on Twitter @OppStartsatHome to view a livestream of the event. See more event information including speakers at: https://bit.ly/2AwSsOo
View the “Within Reach” report at: https://bit.ly/2WaBYVi
View today’s press release featuring multi-sector partners at: https://bit.ly/2B1Pj9x